Date Title Speaker  
16 Jan 2022 10:30  Abraham: Our Father in the Faith:
thumbnail for Abraham: Our Father in the Faith A relationship with God... but what kind of relationship?
(Genesis 17:1-14) 
Andrew Latimer 
12 Jan 2022 19:15  Bitesize theology:
thumbnail for Bitesize theology Doctrine of Sovereignty: Sovereign Creator 
Andrew Sach 
9 Jan 2022 10:30  Abraham: Our Father in the Faith:
thumbnail for Abraham: Our Father in the Faith 'What about when waiting seems too hard?'
(Genesis 16) 
Andrew Latimer 
2 Jan 2022 10:30  A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord:
thumbnail for A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord Luke 2:40-52
(Luke 2:40-52) 
Jonathan Pick 
12 Dec 2021 10:30  A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord:
thumbnail for A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord Luke 1:67-75
(Luke 1:67-75) 
Andrew Sach