Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Aug 1993 12:00  6. Praying for other Christians
(Ephesians 1:15-1:23
John Priestley  5 
18 Jul 1993 12:00  3. Life in the Spirit - Led in Him
(Psalm 25
Gordon Fyles  7 
11 Jul 1993 12:00  2. Life in the Spirit - Fruitful in Him
(Galatians 5:16
Mike Cain  8 
4 Jul 1993 12:00  1. Life in the Spirit - Filled with Him
(Ephesians 5:18
Gordon Fyles  2 
27 Jun 1993 12:00  5. Untold millions - our unfinished task
(Psalm 67
Gordon Fyles  9 
20 Jun 1993 12:00  4. True to the Gospel yet sensitive to culture
(John 1:21
Gordon Fyles  3 
13 Jun 1993 12:00  3. South America - where the action is
(Exodus 3:1-3:10
John Sutton  4 
13 Jun 1993 12:00  International Mission Sunday
(Philippians 4:4-4:20
John Sutton  3 
6 Jun 1993 12:00  2. What about other People's Religions
(Acts 17:16-17:34
Gordon Fyles  4 
30 May 1993 12:00  1. God's goal for the nations
(Galatians 3:1-3:14
Gordon Fyles  4 
23 May 1993 12:00  Heart of darkness
(Luke 18:9-18:14
Alistair Steven  1 
18 Apr 1993 12:00  Seeing ourselves 
Doug Johnson  0 
18 Apr 1993 12:00  To tithe or not to tithe - is that a question
(Malachi 3:6-3:18
Gordon Fyles  5 
11 Apr 1993 12:00  3. Were you there - when he rose from the grave?
(Ephesians 1
Gordon Fyles  8 
4 Apr 1993 12:00  2. Were you there - when they laid him in tomb? 
Gordon Fyles  2 
4 Apr 1993 12:00  2. The smitten rock
(1 Corinthians 10:4
Martin Andrews  1 
28 Mar 1993 12:00  1. Were you there - in the garden
(Matthew 26:36-26:46
Gordon Fyles  4 
28 Mar 1993 12:00  1. The Passover lamb
(1 Corinthians 5
Rod Thomas  1 
21 Mar 1993 12:00  Mothering Sunday 
John Eddison  4 
14 Mar 1993 12:00  Intentional Mission Sunday
(Psalm 2
Robin Wells  2