Date Title Speaker Count  
22 Sep 2002 12:00  10. Rock bottom - can things get worse?
(Judges 19
Christopher Davis  3 
8 Sep 2002 12:00  3. The man whom you chasten
(Psalm 94
Robin Weekes  10 
25 Aug 2002 12:00  7. "...Have you still no faith?"
(Mark 4:35-4:41
Christopher Davis  0 
18 Aug 2002 12:00  6. "Will you lay down your life for me?"
(John 13:38
Martin Andrews  2 
11 Aug 2002 12:00  5. "Where are the nine?"
(Luke 17:17
Robin Weekes  11 
28 Jul 2002 12:00  3. "Why do you call me good?"
(Mark 10:18
John Priestley  7 
30 Jun 2002 12:00  Baptisms service
(Luke 23:35-23:43
Simon Manchester  19 
12 May 2002 12:00  2. Children and parents
(Ephesians 6:1-6:4
Christopher Davis  2 
5 May 2002 12:00  1. Wives and husbands
(Ephesians 5:21-5:33
Christopher Davis  7 
21 Apr 2002 12:00  3. A day of delight
(Zephaniah 3:9-3:20
Robin Weekes  16 
14 Apr 2002 12:00  2. A day to dread
(Zephaniah 2:7
Robin Weekes  9 
7 Apr 2002 12:00  1. A day that is near
(Zephaniah 1:3
Robin Weekes  12 
31 Mar 2002 12:00  9. Jesus prays for His people
(John 17:2-17:26
Robin Weekes  0 
24 Mar 2002 12:00  8. Jesus prays for Himself
(John 17:1-17:5
Robin Weekes  1 
20 Mar 2002 12:00  7. Divorce 
Doug Johnson  2 
17 Mar 2002 12:00  7. The mission to this world
(John 17:13-17:18
Christopher Davis  1 
10 Mar 2002 12:00  6. The convicting of this world
(John 16:5-16:15
Christopher Davis  0 
3 Mar 2002 12:00  5. The hatred of this world
(John 15:4
Christopher Davis  0 
17 Feb 2002 12:00  3. The prince of this world
(John 14:25-14:31
Robin Weekes  0 
10 Feb 2002 12:00  2. The gift of the Spirit
(John 14:15-14:24
Robin Weekes  4