Date Title Speaker Count  
28 Sep 2003 12:00  4. God's future for His people
(Romans 11:25-11:36
Robin Weekes  6 
21 Sep 2003 12:00  3. Making Israel jealous
(Romans 11:1-11:24
Robin Weekes  1 
14 Sep 2003 12:00  2. Zeal without knowledge
(Romans 9:21
Robin Weekes  2 
7 Sep 2003 12:00  1. A nation divided
(Romans 9:1-9:29
Robin Weekes  3 
31 Aug 2003 12:00  5. The Man born blind
(John 9
Christopher Davis  7 
24 Aug 2003 12:00  17. God dwells with his people
(Exodus 35
Robin Weekes  4 
3 Aug 2003 12:00  1. Nathaniel
(John 1:43-1:51
Martin Andrews  2 
3 Aug 2003 12:00  14. The Sanctuary
(Exodus 25
Christopher Davis  5 
27 Jul 2003 12:00  13. The Covenant confirmed
(Exodus 24:1-24:18
Christopher Davis  5 
20 Jul 2003 12:00  12. God's Words
(Exodus 20
Christopher Davis  7 
13 Jul 2003 12:00  11. Mount Sinai
(Exodus 19
Robin Weekes  15 
6 Jul 2003 12:00  10. Jethro's advice
(Exodus 18
Robin Weekes  14 
29 Jun 2003 12:00  9. Water from the rock
(Exodus 17
Robin Weekes  9 
22 Jun 2003 12:00  8. Food from heaven
(Exodus 15:12
Robin Weekes  3 
1 Jun 2003 12:00  6. Can't you make Bible mean what you want
(2 Peter 3:13-3:18
Robin Weekes  6 
1 Jun 2003 12:00  6. The Exodus
(Exodus 12:31
Doug Johnson  4 
25 May 2003 12:00  5. What about those who have never heard?
(Acts 11:1-11:18
Doug Johnson  4 
18 May 2003 12:00  4. The question of the questionable
(1 Corinthians 10:1
Christopher Davis  3 
18 May 2003 12:00  4. "Let me people go"
(Exodus 7
Martin Andrews  5 
11 May 2003 12:00  3. Bible on sex & marriage - out of date?
(Genesis 2:18-2:25
Christopher Davis  7