Date Title Speaker Count  
6 Nov 2016 12:00  7. Life in a fallen world
(Genesis 4
Richard Dryer  30 
30 Oct 2016 12:00  6. As far as the curse is found
(Genesis 3:14-24
Robin Weekes  29 
30 Oct 2016 12:00  7. Gender confusion
(Matthew 19:1-12
Robin Weekes  41 
16 Oct 2016 12:00  5. It was bad
(Genesis 3:1-13
Robin Weekes  26 
16 Oct 2016  5. Worship at work
(Colossians 3:22-4:1
John Adams  23 
9 Oct 2016 12:00  4. Men & women in marriage
(Ephesians 5:22-33
Richard Dryer  46 
9 Oct 2016 12:00  4. It was not good
(Genesis 2:18-25
Robin Weekes  32 
2 Oct 2016 12:00  3. Covenant climax
(Revelation 22:1-5
Phil Keen  19 
2 Oct 2016 12:00  3. The covenant with Adam
(Genesis 2:4-17
Robin Weekes  27 
25 Sep 2016 12:00  1. The Word 1:1
(John 1:1-18
Richard Borgonon  27 
25 Sep 2016 12:00  2. The Word 1:1
(John 1:19-34
Richard Borgonon  12 
18 Sep 2016 12:00  2. True image
(Colossians 1:15-23
John Adams  22 
18 Sep 2016  2. Imago Dei
(Genesis 1:26-2:3
Robin Weekes  34 
11 Sep 2016 12:00  1. It was good
(Genesis 1:1-25
Robin Weekes  26 
11 Sep 2016  1. The goodness of creation
(1 Timothy 4:1-5, 6:17-19
Richard Dryer  25 
4 Sep 2016  10. Contention
(Psalm 35
Robin Weekes  33 
4 Sep 2016  Harvest Festival
(Psalm 65
Richard Dryer  17 
28 Aug 2016 12:00  9. Satisfaction
(Psalm 34
Harshit Singh  19 
21 Aug 2016 12:00  3. Prayer for Understanding
(Ephesians 1:15-23
John Adams  15 
14 Aug 2016 12:00  2. Prayer for Peace
(Philippians 4:4-7
John Adams  20