Date Title Speaker Count  
4 Jun 2017 12:00  2. Keep His commands
(1 John 2:1-27
Richard Dryer  25 
28 May 2017 12:00  5. God's word is not chained
(Acts 16:16-40
Martin Andrews  26 
28 May 2017 12:00  1. Walk in the light
(1 John 1:1-2:2
Philip Keen  26 
21 May 2017 12:00  4. The gospel to Europe
(Acts 16:1-15
Robin Weekes  28 
21 May 2017 12:00  Baptism & Confirmation
(Romans 8:5-17
Rod Thomas  17 
14 May 2017 12:00  3. The first church council
(Acts 14
John Adams  20 
14 May 2017 12:00  3. Jesus prays for us
(John 17:20-26
Robin Weekes  25 
7 May 2017 12:00  2. A door of faith opened
(Acts 14
Richard Dryer  17 
7 May 2017 12:00  2. Jesus prays for his disciples
(John 17:6-19
Robin Weekes  25 
30 Apr 2017 12:00  1. Appointed to eternal life
(Acts 13
Richard Dryer  43 
30 Apr 2017 12:00  1. Jesus prays for himself
(John 17:1-5
Robin Weekes  31 
23 Apr 2017 12:00  Wholeheartedness 
Robin Weekes  16 
23 Apr 2017 12:00  Wholeheartedness
(Mark 14:1-11
Robin Weekes  11 
16 Apr 2017 12:00  5. The risen Saviour
(Mark 15:42 -16:8
Robin Weekes  23 
16 Apr 2017 12:00  15. Brought again from the dead
(Hebrews 13
Richard Dryer  20 
9 Apr 2017 12:00  14. Our Father's discipline 
Richard Dryer  11 
9 Apr 2017 12:00  3. The penal substitute 
John Adams  15 
2 Apr 2017 12:00  13. Risk is right, Hebrews11:23-12-2 
John Adams  11 
2 Apr 2017 12:00  2. The cup drinker, Mark14:27-52 
John Adams  16 
29 Mar 2017 12:00  3. LBS 2017 - Reformation - The importance of Christian Affections for Katherine Parr and 
Ashley Null  46