Sermons at St John's, Felbridge
Date | Title | Speaker | Count | |
24 Feb 2009 07:24 | 226_Does it matter anyway?_Tim Neale_am22ndFeb09 (2 Peter 1: 1-11) |
St John's, Felbridge | 3 | |
22 Feb 2009 18:00 | The wisdom of the Lord (Proverbs 8: 1-21 ) |
Stephen Bowen | 1 | |
22 Feb 2009 10:00 | Does it matter anyway? (2 Peter 1: 1-11) |
Tim Neale | 3 | |
16 Feb 2009 15:16 | 224_The Supremacy of Christ_Alan Mathers_pm15thFeb09 (Colossians 1) |
St John's, Felbridge | 3 | |
16 Feb 2009 15:16 | 224_The Supremacy of Christ_Alan Mathers_pm15thFeb09 (Colossians 1) |
St John's, Felbridge | 3 | |
16 Feb 2009 15:08 | 223_Do we matter to Him?_David King_pm15Feb09 (Romans 5) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
16 Feb 2009 15:08 | 223_Do we matter to Him?_David King_pm15Feb09 (Romans 5) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
15 Feb 2009 18:00 | The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1) |
Alan Mathers | 6 | |
15 Feb 2009 18:00 | Do we matter to Him? (Romans 5) |
David King | 2 | |
9 Feb 2009 20:45 | Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3: 1-12 ) |
Don Ely | 4 | |
9 Feb 2009 14:44 | 222_Trust in the Lord_Don Ely_pm8thFeb0809 (Proverbs 3: 1-12 ) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
9 Feb 2009 14:44 | 222_Trust in the Lord_Don Ely_pm8thFeb0809 (Proverbs 3: 1-12 ) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
9 Feb 2009 14:34 | 221_Does it matter anyway_Stephen Bowen_am8thFeb09 (Romans 1: 18- 24) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
9 Feb 2009 14:34 | 221_Does it matter anyway_Stephen Bowen_am8thFeb09 (Romans 1: 18- 24) |
St John's, Felbridge | 1 | |
8 Feb 2009 10:00 | Does it matter anyway (Romans 1: 18- 24) |
Stephen Bowen | 0 | |
2 Feb 2009 11:34 | 220_The fear of the Lord_Andy Brown_6.30pm1stFeb09 (Proverbs 9: 1-12 ) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
2 Feb 2009 11:34 | 220_The fear of the Lord_Andy Brown_6.30pm1stFeb09 (Proverbs 9: 1-12 ) |
St John's, Felbridge | 1 | |
1 Feb 2009 18:00 | The fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9: 1-12 ) |
Andy Brown | 1 | |
26 Jan 2009 16:31 | 219_Thankful for commitment_Stephen Bowen_pm25thJan09 (1 Thessalonians 1) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 | |
26 Jan 2009 16:31 | 219_Thankful for commitment_Stephen Bowen_pm25thJan09 (1 Thessalonians 1) |
St John's, Felbridge | 0 |