Date Title Speaker Count  
20 Apr 2009 13:33  242_The tears:going away_Stephen Bowen_pm19thApril09 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
20 Apr 2009 13:26  241_The meeting at the well_Stephen Bowen_am19thApril2009
(John 4: 1-15
St John's, Felbridge  0 
20 Apr 2009 13:26  241_The meeting at the well_Stephen Bowen_am19thApril2009
(John 4: 1-15
St John's, Felbridge  0 
19 Apr 2009 18:00  The tears:going away 
Stephen Bowen  0 
19 Apr 2009 10:00  The meeting at the well
(John 4: 1-15
Stephen Bowen  1 
13 Apr 2009 10:56  240_The Message of the Resurrection_Andy Brown_pm12April09
(Acts 10: 34-43
St John's, Felbridge  2 
13 Apr 2009 10:56  240_The Message of the Resurrection_Andy Brown_pm12April09
(Acts 10: 34-43
St John's, Felbridge  1 
12 Apr 2009 18:00  The Message of the Resurrection
(Acts 10: 34-43
Andy Brown  2 
30 Mar 2009 13:26  237_Division_Capt.Paul Tomlinson_pm29thMarch2009
(Luke 12
St John's, Felbridge  0 
30 Mar 2009 13:26  237_Division_Capt.Paul Tomlinson_pm29thMarch2009
(Luke 12
St John's, Felbridge  3 
30 Mar 2009 13:20  236_The judges who condemned_Stephen Bowen_pm29thMarch2009
(Mark 14: 53-65
St John's, Felbridge  0 
30 Mar 2009 13:20  236_The judges who condemned_Stephen Bowen_pm29thMarch2009
(Mark 14: 53-65
St John's, Felbridge  0 
29 Mar 2009 18:00  Division
(Luke 12
Capt. Paul Tomlinson  4 
29 Mar 2009 18:00  The judges who condemned
(Mark 14: 53-65
Stephen Bowen  0 
24 Mar 2009 11:46  235_Be ready_Stephen Bowen_pm22ndMar09
(Luke 12: 35-48
St John's, Felbridge  0 
24 Mar 2009 11:46  235_Be ready_Stephen Bowen_pm22ndMar09
(Luke 12: 35-48
St John's, Felbridge  1 
22 Mar 2009 18:00  Be ready
(Luke 12: 35-48
Stephen Bowen  2 
16 Mar 2009 07:39  233_Do not worry_Andy Brown_pm15thMar09
(Luke 12: 22-34
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 Mar 2009 07:39  233_Do not worry_Andy Brown_pm15thMar09
(Luke 12: 22-34
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 Mar 2009 07:32  232_The friend who betrayed_Stephen Bowen_am15thMar09
(Mark 14: 43- 51
St John's, Felbridge  0