Sermons at St Ebbes, Oxford
Date | Title | Speaker | Count | |
9 Jan 2011 19:00 | Social Justice and the Gospel: Social justice and the character of God (Deuteronomy 10:12-22) |
Vaughan Roberts | 31 | |
9 Jan 2011 11:45 | Resurrection Hope: A fundamental hope (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) |
Phil Jack | 6 | |
9 Jan 2011 09:45 | The Law of Perfect Freedom: One true God (Exodus 20:3) |
Vaughan Roberts | 237 | |
9 Jan 2011 09:45 | Songs for Life: A song for the forgiven (Psalm 32) |
Pete Wilkinson | 14 | |
2 Jan 2011 19:00 | Pause for Thought: A thought for the year ' How do you serve? (Luke 19:12-27) |
Joe Martin | 2 | |
2 Jan 2011 09:45 | Songs for Life: A song for the afflicted (Psalm 31) |
Pete Wilkinson | 42 | |
19 Dec 2010 09:45 | The Life Appeared: The Son of God has come (1 John 5:20) |
Pete Wilkinson | 2 | |
12 Dec 2010 19:00 | Carol Service: We two kings (Matthew 2:1-23) |
Phil Jack | 24 | |
12 Dec 2010 09:45 | The Life Appeared: The life appeared (1 John 1:1-4) |
Pete Wilkinson | 3 | |
5 Dec 2010 19:00 | Christmas Carols: Zechariah's song (Luke 1:57-80) |
Suresh Menon | 22 | |
5 Dec 2010 16:30 | Carol Service: Family Advent carols (Matthew 1:18-25) |
Matt Pope | 29 | |
5 Dec 2010 09:45 | Living the Christian Life: Co-workers in the Gospel (Romans 16) |
Vaughan Roberts | 42 | |
28 Nov 2010 19:00 | Carol Service: Mary's song (Luke 1:26-56) |
Ed Brooks | 39 | |
28 Nov 2010 19:00 | Living the Christian Life: Missionary priorities (Romans 15) |
Vaughan Roberts | 50 | |
21 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: Close encounters (Genesis 32-33) |
Pete Wilkinson | 27 | |
21 Nov 2010 09:45 | Living the Christian Life: Christian liberty and love (Romans 14) |
Vaughan Roberts | 312 | |
14 Nov 2010 19:00 | Living the Christian Life: The Christian in society (Romans 13) |
Vaughan Roberts | 46 | |
14 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: The wilderness years (Genesis 28-31) |
Pete Wilkinson | 9 | |
7 Nov 2010 19:00 | Living the Christian Life: Relating to others (Romans 12:3-21) |
Vaughan Roberts | 77 | |
7 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: The birthright and the blessing (Genesis 25-27) |
Pete Wilkinson | 7 |