Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Jan 2012 19:00  Good News from Mark:
The compassion of God's King
(Mark 1:29-46
Geoffrey Firth  24 
8 Jan 2012 16:30  Esther: For such a time as this:
Two queens
(Esther 1:1-2:18
Pete Wilkinson  33 
8 Jan 2012 11:45  Pause for Thought:
Blessed are the forgiven
(Psalm 32
Bryan White  6 
1 Jan 2012 19:00  Good News from Mark:
The authority of God's King
(Mark 1:21-28
Jon Crozier  12 
1 Jan 2012 16:30  Pause for Thought:
A new song for a new year
(Psalm 96
Pete Wilkinson  10 
18 Dec 2011 19:00  :
Carols by Candlelight
(Luke 2:25-35
Vaughan Roberts  25 
18 Dec 2011 09:45  The Great Day of the Lord:
A day to sing
(Zephaniah 3
Pete Wilkinson  23 
11 Dec 2011 09:45  The Great Day of the Lord:
A day to be silent
(Zephaniah 1-2
Pete Wilkinson  19 
4 Dec 2011 19:00  Good News from Mark:
The call of God's king
(Mark 1:16-20
Suresh Menon  9 
4 Dec 2011 09:45  Strangers in the world:
A life of self-control
(1 Peter 5:1-14
Vaughan Roberts  72 
27 Nov 2011 19:00  Good News from Mark:
The coming of God's king
(Mark 1:1-15
Suresh Menon  9 
27 Nov 2011 11:45  Strangers in the world:
A life of service
(1 Peter 4:7-19
Vaughan Roberts  33 
20 Nov 2011 19:00  The Wisdom of History:
The wisdom of history part III
(Psalm 78:65-72
Ed Brooks  7 
20 Nov 2011 09:45  Strangers in the world:
A life of suffering
(1 Peter 3:8-4:6
Vaughan Roberts  58 
13 Nov 2011 19:00  The Wisdom of History:
The wisdom of history part II
(Psalm 78:12-64
Ed Brooks  17 
13 Nov 2011 09:45  Strangers in the world:
A life of submission
(1 Peter 2:13-3:7
Vaughan Roberts  40 
6 Nov 2011 19:00  The Wisdom of History:
The wisdom of history part I
(Psalm 78:1-11
Ed Brooks  23 
6 Nov 2011 11:45  Pause for Thought:
Finding rest in Jesus Christ
(Matthew 11:28-30
Phil Jack  7 
30 Oct 2011 19:00  Building with God - Haggai:
Hold onto the big picture
(Haggai 2:20-23
Suresh Menon  15 
30 Oct 2011 09:45  Strangers in the world:
What is Church?
(1 Peter 2:4-12
Vaughan Roberts  52