Date Title Speaker Count  
2 Mar 2014 09:45  World Focus Sunday:
Jesus' authority and mission
(Matthew 8:5-13
Alan Purser  4 
23 Feb 2014 11:45  The Maker's Instructions: God, Sex and Marriage:
(1 Corinthians 11:3-16
Vaughan Roberts  80 
23 Feb 2014 09:45  Encounters with Jesus:
The Samaritan woman meets Jesus
(John 4:1-30
Ed Brooks  5 
16 Feb 2014 11:45  Invitation Service:
What does it mean to be successful in life?
(Psalm 103:16-17
Pete Nicholas  11 
16 Feb 2014 09:45  Invitation:
Why do Christians say Jesus is the only way?
(John 14:1-14
Suresh Menon  10 
16 Feb 2014 09:45  Songs of the King:
The King's glory
(Psalm 24
Pete Wilkinson  17 
9 Feb 2014 11:45  The Maker's Instructions: God, Sex and Marriage:
(Genesis 2:18-25
Vaughan Roberts  62 
9 Feb 2014 09:45  Encounters with Jesus:
Saving Nicodemus
(John 3:1-21
Ed Brooks  19 
3 Feb 2014 18:30  That's Life:
The way of wisdom
(Ecclesiastes 7:1-29
Vaughan Roberts  55 
2 Feb 2014 18:30  The Maker's Instructions: God, Sex and Marriage:
(Genesis 2:15-25
Vaughan Roberts  69 
2 Feb 2014 09:45  Getting Ready for the Lord's Return:
Pause for thought
(Romans 13:8-14
Suresh Menon  11 
30 Jan 2014 11:45  Royal Mail:
Hold on to what you have
(Revelation 3
James Fletcher  46 
30 Jan 2014 09:45  Royal Mail:
Hold on to what you have
(Revelation 3
Pete Wilkinson  19 
26 Jan 2014 18:30  Every Spiritual Blessing:
What difference does Jesus make?
(Romans 5:1-21
Vaughan Roberts  25 
26 Jan 2014 16:08  Songs of the King:
The King's confidence
(Psalm 23
Pete Wilkinson  46 
26 Jan 2014 11:45  Every Spiritual Blessing:
Grasp the fullness
(Ephesians 1:15-23
Vaughan Roberts  39 
19 Jan 2014 18:30  Life's Big Questions:
How can I get right with God?
(Romans 3:21-4:25
Vaughan Roberts  13 
19 Jan 2014 11:45  Every Spiritual Blessing:
Number your blessings
(Ephesians 1:3-14
James Fletcher  14 
19 Jan 2014 09:45  Songs of the King:
The King's affliction
(Psalm 22
Pete Wilkinson  22 
12 Jan 2014 18:30  Every Spiritual Blessing:
Every spiritual blessing
(Ephesians 1:1-3
Al Gibbs  1