Date Title Speaker Count  
15 Jun 2014 17:30  The Patience of Job - Suffering and the Christian:
'I know that my redeemer lives'
(Job 19
Vaughan Roberts  65 
15 Jun 2014  ‘I know that my redeemer lives’
(Job 19
Vaughan Roberts  9 
13 Jun 2014 17:30  The Sermon on the Mount:
If looks could kill
(Matthew 5:21-26
Richard Brash  15 
13 Jun 2014  If looks could kill
(Matthew 5:21-26
Richard Brash  2 
7 Jun 2014 08:45  Words of life and death:
God's word ignored
(1 Kings 20
Pete Wilkinson  20 
1 Jun 2014 17:30  The Patience of Job: Suffering and the Christian:
Miserable comforters
(Job 8
Vaughan Roberts  42 
1 Jun 2014  Miserable comforters
(Job 8
Vaughan Roberts  4 
25 May 2014 17:30  The Patience of Job: Suffering and the Christian:
Why do the innocent suffer?
(Job 1-3
Vaughan Roberts  117 
25 May 2014  Why do the innocent suffer?
(Job 1-3
Vaughan Roberts  3 
18 May 2014 17:30  Invitation Service:
Christ's return: myth or fact?
(2 Peter 1:16-21
John Lennox  316 
18 May 2014 17:30  The God of Elijah:
The God who won't give up
(1 Kings 19:1-21
Pete Wilkinson  27 
18 May 2014 08:45  East of Eden:
The logic of sin
(Genesis 4:1-7
Ed Brooks  22 
11 May 2014 17:30  Pause for Thought:
Lucas Durant  31 
11 May 2014 10:45  Life's Big Questions:
How can I become a better person?
(Romans 8:1-17
Vaughan Roberts  62 
11 May 2014 10:45  Invitation Service:
Following Christ
(Luke 9:18-36
Ben Kwashi  11 
11 May 2014  Philemon
Lucas Durant  10 
11 May 2014  Following Christ
(Luke 9:18-36
Ben Kwashi  1 
4 May 2014 17:30  Life's Big Questions:
Who am I?
(Romans 6
Vaughan Roberts  65 
4 May 2014 10:45  Every Spiritual Blessing:
God's manifold wisdom
(Ephesians 3:1-13
James Fletcher  28 
4 May 2014 08:45  The God of Elijah:
The God who sends fire
(1 Kings 18
Pete Wilkinson  5