Date Title Speaker Count  
21 Mar 2016 17:47  Jesus: Arrested 
Gerry Peak  0 
20 Mar 2016 17:26  Jesus’ Prayer for Us 
Sandy Willson  1 
20 Mar 2016 14:21  Imitate Gospel-Centered Examples: Epaphroditus' Sacrifice 
Michael Davis  0 
20 Mar 2016 07:39  Imitate Gospel-Centered Examples: Epaphroditus' Sacrifice (Audio) 
Michael Davis  0 
17 Mar 2016 12:44  The Amazing Christian 
Sandy Willson  0 
16 Mar 2016 15:57  Renew - Lesson 8 - I Peter 5:5-14 
Kim Petzinger  0 
15 Mar 2016 15:51  The Walk - Lesson 19 - God's Presence in Our Defeat 
Catherine Sharpe  1 
13 Mar 2016 17:25  Jesus' Prayer for His Church 
Dick Cain  2 
13 Mar 2016 16:21  Imitate Gospel-Centered Examples: Timothy's Care 
Todd Erickson  1 
13 Mar 2016 07:38  Imitate Gospel-Centered Examples: Timothy's Care (Audio) 
Todd Erickson  0 
10 Mar 2016 15:24  Living Sacrifice 
Sandy Willson  0 
9 Mar 2016 14:41  Renew - Lesson 7 - 1 Peter 5:1-4 
Kim Petzinger  0 
6 Mar 2016 15:27  Living in Light of Your True Identity 
Dick Cain  0 
6 Mar 2016 07:37  Living in Light of Your True Identity (Audio) 
Dick Cain  0 
3 Mar 2016 21:44  All Israel Saved 
Sandy Willson  3 
3 Mar 2016 17:20  A Mother's Heart - Ch 8 - I Will Cleanse You 
Jennifer Wilson  0 
2 Mar 2016 14:56  Renew - Lesson 6 - 1 Peter 4:12-19 
Kim Petzinger  0 
1 Mar 2016 19:14  The Walk - Lesson 18 - God's Presence in Our Distrust 
Mary Edwards  0 
28 Feb 2016 18:42  Understanding Mission: The Covenant People 
Mitchell Moore  1 
28 Feb 2016 07:34  Understanding Mission: The Covenant Purpose (Audio) 
Mitchell Moore  0