Date Title Speaker Count  
31 Jul 2016 14:18  Honesty in Suffering 
Barton Kimbro  0 
31 Jul 2016 14:18  Honesty in Suffering (Audio) 
Barton Kimbro  0 
26 Jul 2016 21:33  I Am the Vine 
Amy McAtee  0 
24 Jul 2016 14:29  The Blessing in Fearing God 
Michael Davis  0 
24 Jul 2016 14:29  The Blessing in Fearing God (Audio) 
Michael Davis  0 
24 Jul 2016 14:26  The Ten Commandments: No Coveting 
Barton Kimbro  0 
21 Jul 2016 13:42  AMEN Summer Guest: 
Loren Roberts  0 
19 Jul 2016 21:17  I Am The Good Shepherd 
Amanda Coop  0 
17 Jul 2016 14:15  Unless the Lord 
Barton Kimbro  0 
17 Jul 2016 14:15  Unless the Lord (Audio) 
Barton Kimbro  0 
17 Jul 2016 14:11  The Ten Commandments: No Lying 
Michael Davis  1 
12 Jul 2016 20:40  I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life 
Julia Harkins  0 
10 Jul 2016 17:28  The Ten Commandments: No Stealing 
Mike Stokke  0 
10 Jul 2016 13:32  Restore Us 
David Bowen  0 
10 Jul 2016 13:32  Restore Us (Audio) 
David Bowen  0 
5 Jul 2016 21:57  I Am The Resurrection and The Life 
Bowie Campbell  2 
3 Jul 2016 16:33  The Ten Commandments: No Adultery 
Gerry Peak  0 
3 Jul 2016 15:03  Security in Zion 
Mike Stokke  1 
3 Jul 2016 15:03  Security in Zion (Audio) 
Mike Stokke  0 
26 Jun 2016 15:39  The Ten Commandments: No Murder 
Dick Cain  0