Windsor Baptist
Windsor Baptist
Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
2 Apr 2017 10:30 | True ID - TrueID: Ephesians 1: 1 - 14 (Ephesians 1: 1 - 14) |
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26 Mar 2017 10:30 | Money Talks - Money Talks (Part 6) |
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12 Mar 2017 10:30 | Revealed - Revealed: Luke 6: 30 - 42 (Luke 6: 30 - 42) |
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12 Mar 2017 10:30 | Money Talks - Money Talks (part 4) |
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5 Mar 2017 10:30 | Money Talks - Money Talks (Part 3) |
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26 Feb 2017 19:00 | Revealed - Revealed: Luke 6: 11 - 17 |
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26 Feb 2017 10:30 | Money Talks - Money Talks (Part 2) |
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19 Feb 2017 19:00 | Revealed - Revealed: Luke 7: 36 - 50 (Luke 7: 36 - 50) |
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19 Feb 2017 10:30 | Money Talks - Money Talks - 1 |
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12 Feb 2017 10:30 | 40-Days - 40 Days celebration | The journey isn't over | Psalm 84 (Psalm 84) |
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5 Feb 2017 10:30 | Restoration Man - Restoration Man: Nehemiah 13: DRIFTED (Nehemiah 13:) |
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29 Jan 2017 19:00 | Revealed - Revealed: John 4 (John 4) |
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22 Jan 2017 19:00 | Revealed - Revealed: John 1:32 - 2:11 (John 1:32 - 2) |
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22 Jan 2017 10:30 | Family Service - Family Experience |
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15 Jan 2017 19:00 | Baptist Missions - Baptist Missions: Andrew Reed |
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15 Jan 2017 10:30 | Restoration Man - Restoration Man: Nehemiah 10 (Nehemiah 10) |
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8 Jan 2017 10:30 | Restoration Man - Restoration Man : Nehemiah 9 (Nehemiah 9) |
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1 Jan 2017 10:30 | Restoration Man - Restoration Man / Resolution People : Nehemiah 8 |
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18 Dec 2016 10:30 | Christmas Playlist: The Remix - Christmas Playlist, the remix luke 2 25 - 35 |
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11 Dec 2016 10:30 | Christmas Playlist: The Remix - Christmas Playlist: The Remix: Benedictus |
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