Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
31 Jul 2016 12:00 | 'Rights & Blessings' (1) (Genesis 25:19-34) |
100 | |
10 Apr 2016 12:00 | 'You crucified ... but God raised' (Acts 4:10) |
55 | |
15 Oct 2015 12:00 | Jesus and an outcast (John 7:53-8:11) |
7 | |
27 Sep 2015 12:00 | Marks of a Gospel Family (2) (Romans 12:3-8) |
125 | |
17 May 2015 12:00 | When the Advocate Comes (1) (John 14:15-21) |
43 | |
19 Apr 2015 12:00 | Election Talk: 'Politics' (Romans 13:1-10) |
57 | |
22 Feb 2015 12:00 | Discipleship for today (1 Peter 1:10-21) |
62 | |
29 Jan 2015 | The Boy with Big Dreams: The dream that came true (Genesis 41:41) |
22 | |
4 Dec 2014 | Come and See: a man who knows everything (John 4:1) |
24 | |
3 Aug 2014 12:00 | Make our joy complete (6) (1 John 2:28-3:10) |
14 | |
17 Jul 2014 | When God seems Unfair: How do I make sense of it all? (Habakkuk 3) |
35 | |
13 Jul 2014 12:00 | Make our joy complete (3) (1 John 2:3-11) |
35 | |
10 Jul 2014 | When God seems Unfair: Why does God tolerate evil? (Habakkuk 1:12-2:20) |
28 | |
3 Jul 2014 | When God seems Unfair: Why won't God do something? (Habakkuk 1:1) |
43 | |
15 May 2014 | Transforming London: Transforming the world (Titus 3) |
24 | |
8 May 2014 | Transforming London: Transforming lives (Titus 2) |
22 | |
1 May 2014 | Transforming London: Transforming the Church (Titus 1) |
42 | |
18 Apr 2014 12:00 | Good Friday Service 2014 (John 19:16-27) |
11 | |
18 Apr 2014 12:00 | Good Friday Service 2014 (Exodus 12:43-51) |
3 | |
17 Apr 2014 | Lunchtime Easter Service: Appearances can be deceiving (John 19:1) |
31 |