Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
12 Dec 2010 09:45 | The Life Appeared: The life appeared (1 John 1:1-4) |
3 | |
21 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: Close encounters (Genesis 32-33) |
27 | |
14 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: The wilderness years (Genesis 28-31) |
9 | |
7 Nov 2010 09:45 | In the Grip of His Grace: The birthright and the blessing (Genesis 25-27) |
7 | |
24 Oct 2010 08:45 | Waiting for a new world: A new Heaven and a new Earth (Isaiah 65-66) |
28 | |
3 Oct 2010 15:30 | Waiting for a new world: Oh, that you would rend the heavens! (Isaiah 63-64) |
4 | |
26 Sep 2010 08:45 | Waiting for a new world: Good news for the poor (Isaiah 61-62) |
6 | |
19 Sep 2010 08:45 | The Wealth of Nations: The wealth of nations (Isaiah 60) |
12 | |
12 Sep 2010 08:45 | Waiting for a new world: True fasting (Isaiah 58-59) |
12 | |
5 Sep 2010 08:45 | Waiting for a new world: The house of God (Isaiah 56-57) |
5 | |
9 May 2010 08:45 | Grace Triumphant: A great invitation (Isaiah 55) |
18 | |
2 May 2010 08:45 | Grace Triumphant: A great reversal (Isaiah 54) |
15 | |
4 Apr 2010 08:45 | Easter Sunday: Easter Sunday (John 20:1-23) |
6 | |
28 Mar 2010 08:45 | Grace Triumphant: Man of sorrows (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) |
19 | |
21 Mar 2010 09:45 | Grace Triumphant: Awake, awake, O Zion! (Isaiah 51:12-52:12) |
13 | |
14 Mar 2010 09:45 | Passion of the Christ: Gethsemane (Mark 14:27-52) |
12 | |
7 Mar 2010 09:45 | Passion of the Christ: Last rites (Mark 14:1-26) |
10 | |
31 Jan 2010 09:45 | The Blessed Life: Peaceful sleep (Psalm 4:1-8) |
23 | |
24 Jan 2010 09:45 | The Blessed Life: Shaken but shielded (Psalm 3:1-8) |
36 | |
10 Jan 2010 09:45 | The Blessed Life: God's Son, my refuge (Psalm 2:1-12) |
22 |