Recent sermons

Date Title Count
11 Oct 2020 22:30  Harvest 
4 Oct 2020 22:30  Zechariah:
The man with a measuring line
(Zechariah 2
27 Sep 2020 22:30  Zechariah:
Never forgotten
(Zechariah 1:7-21
20 Sep 2020 22:30  Zechariah:
Return to me and I will return to you
(Zechariah 1:1-6
13 Sep 2020 22:30  Useful grace
(Philemon 8-21
6 Sep 2020 22:30  Holiday Bible Club Service 
30 Aug 2020 10:30  The joy of fellowship
(Philemon 1-7 & 22-25
2 Aug 2020 10:30  The life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
The Death of John
(Mark 6:14-29 (Matthew 14:1-12)
26 Jul 2020 10:30  The life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
John is the Elijah who was to come
(Matthew 11:7-19 (Luke 7:24-35)
19 Jul 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
Messengers from John
(Matthew 11:1-6 (Luke 7:18-23)
12 Jul 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
Preaching and Prison
(Luke 3:18-20
5 Jul 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
He Must Increase, I Must Decrease
(John 3:22-26
21 Jun 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkSuper Dad and His Not So Super Sons - Our all-age service on Fathers Day
(Luke 15:11-32.
14 Jun 2020 10:30  The life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
John Baptises Jesus
(Matthew 3:13-17
7 Jun 2020 10:30  The life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
A voice calling in the desert
(Luke 3:1-17
31 May 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkPentecost, The Day They Understood - All age service
(Genesis 11:1-9 and Acts 2:1-12
24 May 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
A witness to the light
(John 1:6-15
17 May 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
The birth of John
(Luke 1:57-80
10 May 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
The first sermon of John the Baptist
(Luke 1:39-45
3 May 2020 10:30  thumbnail for talkThe life and signs of John the BaptistThe life and signs of John the Baptist:
John’s birth foretold
(Luke 1:5-25