Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
24 Apr 2016 10:15 | The Gods who Cannot Answer (1 Kings 18:16-46) |
3 | |
17 Apr 2016 18:00 | What are we toiling for? (Ecclesiastes 2:17-26) |
14 | |
17 Apr 2016 10:15 | How long will you waver? (1 Kings 18:1-24) |
3 | |
3 Apr 2016 18:00 | Life is Vapour (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11) |
9 | |
20 Mar 2016 10:15 | Boring, Boring Idolatry (1 Kings 16) |
1 | |
13 Mar 2016 10:15 | The Kingdom that Rejects Wisdom (1 Kings 14) |
1 | |
14 Feb 2016 18:00 | Forsaking Your Freedom (1 Corinthians 10:14-11) |
8 | |
14 Feb 2016 10:15 | Do I need to keep confessing my sins? (Psalm 32) |
6 | |
31 Jan 2016 18:00 | Run for the Prize (1 Corinthians 9:24-10) |
3 | |
24 Jan 2016 10:15 | Does God’s Love Vary with my Behaviour? (Romans 3:21-4) |
5 | |
17 Jan 2016 18:00 | Serving With Your Freedom (1 Corinthians 8:1-9) |
6 | |
17 Jan 2016 10:15 | How Can God Love Me Unconditionally (Romans 3:21-4) |
5 | |
22 Nov 2015 18:00 | Plastic Sex (1 Corinthians 6:9-20) |
10 | |
15 Nov 2015 18:00 | Why are we so mean to one another? (Luke 18:9-14) |
2 | |
8 Nov 2015 18:00 | How do we live in a world filled with Pain? (Luke 7:11-17) |
0 | |
1 Nov 2015 18:00 | What do we do with Evil? (Luke 6:32-45) |
1 | |
18 Oct 2015 18:00 | The Discipline of Love (1 Corinthians 5:1-13) |
4 | |
10 Oct 2015 18:00 | Are you a Fool or a King? (1 Corinthians 4:1-17) |
9 | |
10 Oct 2015 10:15 | When Heaven Meets Earth (1 Kings 8) |
7 | |
4 Oct 2015 10:15 | The Greatest Dwelling Place in History (1 Kings 5) |
18 |