Date Title Church
22 Jul 2018  The waiting room
(Romans 8:18) 
Christ Church Cambridge
(David Todd
07 Jul 2018  A New Perspective (Romans 8:18-39)
(Romans 8:18-39) 
Vine Church, Surry Hills, Sydney
(Bruce Linton
17 Jun 2018  Eager longing
(Romans 8:18-27) 
St Benet's Welsh Church
(Philip Brentford
17 Jun 2018  Eager longing
(Romans 8:18-27) 
St Benet's Welsh Church
(Philip Brentford
10 Jun 2018  Living in the light of the future: Incomparable Glory
(Romans 8:18-39) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Ross McNab
03 Jun 2018  3rd June 2018, 11.00am
(Romans 8:18-30) 
Woodlands Church 
20 May 2018  20th May 2018, 11.00am
(Romans 8:18-30) 
Woodlands Church 
20 May 2018  Living with broken bodies
(Romans 8:18-27) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Vaughan Roberts
29 Apr 2018  Romans 8:18-30
(Romans 8:18-30) 
ELT Baptist Church 
29 Apr 2018  Romans 8:18-30
(Romans 8:18-30) 
ELT Baptist Church 
31 Dec 2017  Doctrine and comfort
(Romans 8:18-30) 
Buccleuch Free Church
(Fergus Macdonald
31 Dec 2017  Be realistic, be informed and be encouraged
(Romans 8:18-25) 
Emmanuel Chippenham 
26 Nov 2017  All Things For Good
(Romans 8:18-29) 
Church at the Cross 
23 Jul 2017  What's the matter?
(Romans 8:18-27) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
14 May 2017  God, if you are good, why do bad things happen to me?
(Romans 8:18-39) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Justin Fung
14 May 2017  God, if you are good, why do bad things happen to me?
(Romans 8:18-39) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Justin Fung
30 Apr 2017  What does God say about climate change?
(Romans 8:18-25) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Paul Dale
30 Apr 2017  A Christian Response to Climate Change
(Romans 8:18-25) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Daniel Webster
02 Apr 2017  Faith and Circumstance
(Romans 8:18-39) 
Trinity Church York 
12 Mar 2017  Facing Serious Illness
(Romans 8:18-30) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre