Date Title Church
18 Jun 2017  Majestic Name
(Psalm 8) 
Emmanuel Church Bath 
28 May 2017  O Lord Our Lord How Majestic Is Your Name
(Psalm 8) 
Pontesbury Baptist Church
(Mike Wells
08 Mar 2017  08 Mar: Do We Matter?
(Psalm 8) 
The Tron Church Glasgow
(Bob Fyall
08 Feb 2017  Loving God Completely
(Psalm 8) 
Calvary Albuquerque
(Nelson Walker
21 Aug 2016  3. Psalm 8 - Our Identity
(Psalm 8) 
Grace Church Manchester
(Greg Willson
31 Jul 2016  Psalm 8
(Psalm 8) 
St. Paul's Clacton 
03 Jul 2016  What is humanity?
(Psalm 8) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Al Gibbs
27 Jun 2016  Mankind
(Psalm 8) 
Grace Bible Church
(Brian Fisher
20 Jun 2016  Mankind
(Psalm 8) 
Grace Bible Church
(Brian Fisher
19 Jun 2016  Psalm 8 - Matt Graham
(Psalm 8) 
Christ Church Little Heath Potters Bar 
29 May 2016  Sense Of Wonder Psalm 8 (Revd Canon Terry Wong 8 am and 11:15 am Sunday Service 29 May 2016)
(Psalm 8) 
St Andrew's Cathedral Singapore 
29 May 2016  Why is God worthy of our praise?
(Psalm 8) 
Grace Church Worcester Park
(Rick Raja
24 Apr 2016  Psalm 8
(Psalm 8) 
St Neots Evangelical Church
(Mike Kendall
10 Jan 2016  God's Majesty Revealed in Weakness
(Psalm 8) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
10 Jan 2016  God's Majesty Revealed in Weakness
(Psalm 8) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
03 Jan 2016  What is Man?
(Psalm 8) 
Christ The Redeemer
(Brian Hoch
06 Dec 2015  When God Became A Human
(Psalm 8) 
(David Nixon
15 Nov 2015  What should and will we be?
(Psalm 8) 
Christ Church Mayfair
(Phil Allcock
01 Nov 2015  Bible Reading - Psalm 8
(Psalm 8) 
Christ Church Stone
(Andy S
09 Aug 2015  The sky at night
(Psalm 8) 
Carey Baptist Church
(Basil Howlett