Date Title Church
09 Feb 2014  The Significance of Baptism
(Mark 1:9-13) 
Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake
(Jay Childs
09 Sep 2012  The King and His Call
(Mark 1:9-20) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie
26 Feb 2012  In every way as we are, yet without sin
(Mark 1:9–15) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Chris Downing
15 May 2011  Behold the God-Man - Mark: The Life and Ministry of Jesus (Part 2)
(Mark 1:9-13) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Jason Hoy
15 May 2011  Behold the God-Man - Mark: The Life and Ministry of Jesus (Part 2)
(Mark 1:9-13) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Jason Hoy
15 May 2011  Behold the God-Man - Mark: The Life and Ministry of Jesus (Part 2)
(Mark 1:9-13) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Jason Hoy
11 Oct 2009  The test of a True Son
(Mark 1:9-13) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
03 May 2009  Jesus and the Father
(Mark 1:9-12) 
Emmanuel Church Oxford
(David Coak
03 May 2009  Jesus and the Father
(Mark 1:9-12) 
Emmanuel Church Oxford
(David Coak
11 Jan 2007  The Person of Christ
(Mark 1:9-13) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Tim Plyming
13 Mar 2005  (address on baptism at 37:42)
(Mark 1:9-13) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
25 Jan 2004  3. The time has come
(Mark 1:9-20) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Peter Grainger
12 Jan 1997  God' beloved son
(Mark 1:9-15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
12 Jan 1997  God’s beloved son
(Mark 1:9–15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
07 Jan 1996  Pioneer of the kingdom
(Mark 1:9-20) 
All Souls Langham Place
(John Cook
10 Sep 1978  The Son of God has come
(Mark 1:9-12) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Michael Baughen