Date Title Church
16 Oct 2016  The Son
(John 3:1-16) 
King's Church Guildford
(Richard Leadbeater
16 Oct 2016  The Son
(John 3:1-16) 
King's Church Guildford
(Richard Leadbeater
04 Sep 2016  Christ the Teacher
(John 3:1-17) 
Trinity Church Charlottesville 
07 Aug 2016  Nicodemus (People Jesus Met)
(John 3:1-16) 
St Simon Zelotes
(Mikey Williams
24 Jul 2016  Irresistible Grace
(John 3:1-15) 
Second CRC of Kalamazoo, MI
(Ron De
21 Jun 2016  Father's Day: Where is My Honor?
(John 3:1-3) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Lee Barclay
21 Jun 2016  Father's Day: Where is My Honor?
(John 3:1-3) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Lee Barclay
21 Jun 2016  Father's Day: Where is My Honor?
(John 3:1-3) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Lee Barclay
21 Jun 2016  Father's Day: Where is My Honor?
(John 3:1-3) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Lee Barclay
19 Jun 2016  Nicodemus
(John 3:1-21) 
Crofton Baptist
(Adrian Judd
29 May 2016  You must be born again
(John 3:1-16) 
St John's Hartford
(Mike Smith
22 May 2016  John 3:1-17
(John 3:1-17) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
22 May 2016  John 3:1-17
(John 3:1-17) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
22 May 2016  Grace and Fear
(John 3:1-21, John 3:35-36) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
08 May 2016  The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up
(John 3:1-15) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
08 May 2016  The solution to church failure - revival
(John 3:1-18) 
Christ Church Hemel 
08 May 2016  The solution to church failure - revival
(John 3:1-18) 
Christ Church Hemel
(Arthur Bentley-Taylor
27 Apr 2016  'He came by night': Jesus and Nicodemus.
(John 3:1-16) 
St Thomas Oakwood
(Mark Pickles
24 Apr 2016  What must happen
(John 3:1-16) 
Woodstock Road Baptist Church 
13 Mar 2016  What does Jesus mean 'born again'?
(John 3:1-16) 
Christ Church Westbourne
(Joel Kendall