Date | Title | Church |
10 May 2015 | The Hour for Glorification Has Come (John 12:20-26) |
Solihull Presbyterian Church (Stephen Dancer) |
01 Mar 2015 | At the Centre of Everything (John 12:20) |
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown |
08 Feb 2015 | The hour has come (John 12:20-36) |
Christ Church Cambridge (Pete Myers) |
07 Feb 2015 | Suffering Servant Series - John 12:20-36 (John 12:20-36) |
West Ryde Anglican Church |
05 Jan 2015 | 2014-01-04 John 12:20-50 (John 12:20-50) |
Grace Church Dell Road |
13 Jul 2014 | The Hour: Death or Life? (John 12:20-36) |
St Helen's, Bishopsgate (Charlie Skrine) |
13 Jul 2014 | The Hour: death or life? (John 12:20-36a) |
Euston Church (Charlie Skrine) |
18 May 2014 | Whoever Hates His Life in This World Gains Jesus (John 12:20-26) |
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX |
30 Mar 2014 | John 12:20-36 (John 12:20-36) |
Speke Baptist Church |
30 Mar 2014 | We would see Jesus (John 12:20-36) |
Mutley Baptist Church (Steve Campion) |
30 Mar 2014 | We would see Jesus (John 12:20-36) |
Mutley Baptist Church (Steve Campion) |
30 Mar 2014 | We would see Jesus (John 12:20-36) |
Mutley Baptist Church (Steve Campion) |
23 Mar 2014 | The King is lifted up (John 12:20-36) |
Above Bar Church, Southampton |
20 Oct 2013 | A reflection for Songs of Praise (John 12:20-26) |
St John's, Felbridge (Phil Tadman) |
20 Oct 2013 | A reflection for Songs of Praise (John 12:20-26) |
St John's, Felbridge (Phil Tadman) |
20 Oct 2013 | A reflection for Songs of Praise (John 12:20-26) |
St John's, Felbridge (Phil Tadman) |
31 Jul 2011 | What does Jesus’ death achieve (John 12:20-50) |
Charlotte Chapel (Liam Garvie) |
10 Jul 2011 | John 12:20-36 Jesus' Cross is God's Moment of Glory (John 12:20) |
Trinity Church York |
16 Jan 2011 | Death works life (John 12:20-26) |
Cambridge Presbyterian Church (Ian Hamilton) |
31 Oct 2010 | The hour has come (John 12:20-36) |
Cambridge Presbyterian Church (Liam Goligher) |