Date Title Church
18 Mar 2018  John 12:1-11
(John 12:1-11) 
Grace Church, Cambridge
(Chris Nickerson
18 Mar 2018  The Extravagant Worshipper
(John 12:1) 
Christ Church Central Sheffield
(Tim Davies
11 Mar 2018  A Call To Come and Die
(John 12:1-26) 
Calvary Chapel St Petersburg
(Josh Harris
05 Feb 2018  At the Feet of Jesus
(John 12:1-11) 
Church at the Cross 
29 Oct 2017  Money
(John 12:1-8) 
Emmanuel Church Bicester 
24 May 2017  Let it Go
(John 12:1-8) 
Calvary Albuquerque
(Nate Heitzig
14 May 2017  Feet Dirty, Hair Down, Bank Broken: Why Christ-Centered Sacrifice Is Often Impractical…But Never Wasted
(John 12:1-8) 
Boro City Church 
14 May 2017  Feet Dirty, Hair Down, Bank Broken: Why Christ-Centered Sacrifice Is Often Impractical…But Never Wasted
(John 12:1-8) 
Boro City Church 
14 May 2017  Feet Dirty, Hair Down, Bank Broken: Why Christ-Centered Sacrifice Is Often Impractical…But Never Wasted
(John 12:1-8) 
Boro City Church 
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Johnny Blake
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Johnny Blake
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Johnny Blake
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Johnny Blake
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Hannah Elwyn
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Hannah Elwyn
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Hannah Elwyn
30 Apr 2017  Encounters with Jesus: Mary
(John 12:1-11) 
ChristChurch London
(Hannah Elwyn
09 Apr 2017  Adoring and Detesting Jesus
(John 12:1-11) 
(Wayne Sutton
02 Apr 2017  John 12 v 1 - 11
(John 12:1 - John 12:11) 
St. Paul's Clacton 
26 Feb 2017  The Effect on Judas
(John 12:1-24) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills