Date Title Church
03 Mar 2013  Spiritual Birth & Trusting the Crucified Son
(John 2:23-3:15) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
23 Aug 2009  You must be born again
(John 2:23-3:15) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
09 Jul 2006  Jesus meets a theology professor
(John 2:23-3:3) 
St Andrew the Great
(Frank Price
27 Feb 2020  The love that makes us children
(John 2:28 – 3:24) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Luke Ijaz
01 May 2016  1 John 2:28-3:10
(John 2:28-3:10) 
St Neots Evangelical Church
(Andrew Barr
03 Jan 2021  1
(John 2:3-11 - Assurance of Salvation) 
St Paul's Terrey Hills 
13 Feb 2020  The love that binds us together
(John 2:3–17) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Jonny Dyer
07 Feb 2016  1 John 2:3-11
(John 2:3-11) 
St Neots Evangelical Church
(Richard Fairbairn
20 Jun 2021  I "A New Commandment in a Passing World
(John 2:7-17) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(Devin Coleman
22 Apr 2018  1 - A Command Old and New
(John 2:7-11) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer