Date Title Church
12 Jun 2016  Shall I not drink the cup?
(John 18:1-14) 
St Benet's Welsh Church
(Aneirin Glyn
12 Jun 2016  Shall I not drink the cup?
(John 18:1-14) 
St Benet's Welsh Church
(Aneirin Glyn
05 Jun 2016  What is truth?
(John 18:1-40) 
Christ Church Hemel 
05 Jun 2016  What is truth?
(John 18:1-40) 
Christ Church Hemel 
03 Apr 2016  The Betrayal of Jesus
(John 18:1-11) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer
25 Mar 2016  Good Friday Reflections
(John 18:1 – 19:42) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Paul White
20 Mar 2016  Behold the Man
(John 18:1) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie
13 Mar 2016  John 18:1-11
(John 18:1-11) 
Grace Church, Cambridge
(Graham Beynon
13 Mar 2016  Jesus Drinks the Cup
(John 18:1-27) 
Emmanuel Church Bath 
14 Feb 2016  How is Jesus able to save people?
(John 18:1-11) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Chris Fishlock
29 Nov 2015  Truth to Encourage!
(John 18:1-27) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown 
28 Aug 2015  The Arrest of a King
(John 18:1-11) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
28 Aug 2015  The Arrest of a King
(John 18:1-11) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
26 Apr 2015  Betrayed, questioned, and denied: God's plan for my sake
(John 18:1-27) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
31 Mar 2015  Truth is an absolute
(John 18:1-19:16a) 
West Ryde Anglican Church 
16 Mar 2015  2015-03-15 John 18:1-27
(John 18:1-27) 
Grace Church Dell Road 
08 Mar 2015  Behold your King
(John 18:1-27) 
Church by the Bay
(Jon Lindsay
23 Feb 2015  I AM under arrest
(John 18:1-18) 
Cheam Baptist Church
(Mark Fossey
22 Feb 2015  Supremely Powerful, Jesus Becomes Our Propitiation
(John 18:1-11 by Bret Rogers) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
22 Feb 2015  Supremely Powerful, Jesus Becomes Our Propitiation
(John 18:1-11) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX