Date Title Church
26 Jun 2015  Peace in Tribulation
(John 16:25-33) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
21 Dec 2014  The Exalted Christ & His Victory Over the World
(John 16:25-33) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
21 Dec 2014  The Exalted Christ & His Victory Over the World
(John 16:25-33 by Bret Rogers) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
01 Apr 2012  Assurance for tough times
(John 16:25-33) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
06 Nov 2011  The triumph of the Crucified
(John 16:25-33) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
27 Apr 2008  5. A confident farewell
(John 16:25-16:33) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Ben Shaw
19 Sep 1993  Overcoming the world
(John 16:25-33) 
St Andrew the Great
(Giles Walter
06 Aug 2017  Knowing the Love of the Father
(John 16:26-28) 
Emmanuel Church Bath 
01 Dec 2019  I'll still get you through
(John 16:28-33) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Latimer
21 Jun 2015  Marks of the Spirit-filled church: 2 of 3: Unshakeable
(John 16:28-33) 
St Peter's Barge
(Andrew Latimer
13 May 2013  The nature of true faith
(John 16:29-32) 
St Mellons Evangelical Baptist Church
(Andy Christofides
10 Dec 2023  Bringing Perfect Peace
(John 16:32-33) 
Trinity Church Sunderland
(Duncan Woods
12 Nov 2017  Remembrance Sunday | , Philippians 4
(John 16:32-33) 
Fulwood Free Methodist Church
(4-9 |
05 Feb 2017  Abundant Peace
(John 16:32-16:33) 
Hutchinson First Baptist Church
(Tyler Vance
15 Nov 2015  What did Jesus say about... SUFFERING?
(John 16:32-33) 
Westminster Chapel
(Dan Skead
15 Mar 2020  Peace in the time of Coronavirus
(John 16:33) 
Immanuel Nashville
(TJ Tims
15 Mar 2020  Peace in the time of Coronavirus
(John 16:33) 
Immanuel Nashville
(TJ Tims
13 Mar 2020  How a Crown of Thorns Helps us Face a Crowned Virus
(John 16:33) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
08 Dec 2019  AntiAdvent: Anxiety
(John 16:33</b>: Let's be honest: we're worried a lot: There is a lot to be anxious about too: But no) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge
(Jonathan Headley
08 Dec 2019  AntiAdvent: Anxiety
(John 16:33</b>: Let&apos;s be honest: we&apos;re worried a lot: There is a lot to be anxious about t) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge
(Jonathan Headley