Date Title Church
06 Mar 2016  If the world hates you...
(John 15:18-16) 
Christ Church Hemel 
06 Mar 2016  If the world hates you...
(John 15:18-16) 
Christ Church Hemel
(Sam Buckley
07 Feb 2016  Opposition
(John 15:18-25) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer
11 Oct 2015  Abide in Jesus! (2)
(John 15:18-16) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown 
27 Sep 2015  'The world hates you'
(John 15:18-25) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Vaughan Roberts
29 May 2015  Persecution & Perseverance
(John 15:18-16:4) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
29 May 2015  Persecution & Perseverance
(John 15:18-16:4) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
13 May 2015  Marks of the Spirit-filled church: 1 of 3: Unpopular
(John 15:18-16) 
St Peter's Barge
(Andrew Latimer
08 Mar 2015  Marks of the Spirit-filled church: Unpopular
(John 15:18-16) 
St Peter's Barge
(Andrew Latimer
01 Mar 2015  Persecuted for Jesus
(John 15:18-16:4 ) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
22 Feb 2015  John 15:18-16:4a
(John 15:18-16) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Malcolm Chisholm
22 Feb 2015  John 15:18-16:4a
(John 15:18-16) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Malcolm Chisholm
16 Feb 2015  2015-02-15 John 15:18-25
(John 15:18-25) 
Grace Church Dell Road 
09 Nov 2014  Belonging to Jesus Means the World Hates You
(John 15:18-25) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
09 Nov 2014  Belonging to Jesus Means the World Hates You
(John 15:18-25 by Bret Rogers) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
11 Aug 2013  Costly Discipleship
(John 15:18-John 16:4) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Charlie Skrine
10 Mar 2013  The world hates the church
(John 15:18-16:4) 
Trinity Church York 
10 Mar 2013  The world hates the church
(John 15:18-16:4) 
Trinity Church York 
24 Feb 2013  Discipleship: John 15:18-25
(John 15:18-25) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Ben Grimshaw
24 Feb 2013  Discipleship: John 15:18-25
(John 15:18-25) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Ben Grimshaw