Date Title Church
15 Apr 2018  God Revealed in Christ
(John 14:1-14) 
Calvary Chapel St Petersburg
(Josh Harris
15 Apr 2018  Trinity
(John 14:1-31) 
Grace Church Sydenham
(Tim Iles
08 Apr 2018  sermon08apr2018
(John 14:1-14) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
29 Mar 2018  Jesus: the way, the truth, the life
(John 14:1-14) 
St John's Hartford
(Alec Ham
28 Jan 2018  The Supremacy of Christ
(John 14:1-11) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Karowei Dorgu
28 Jan 2018  Comfort For The Confused
(John 14:1-14) 
Wychwood Baptist Church
(Ashley Jones
28 Jan 2018  Comfort For The Confused
(John 14:1-14) 
Wychwood Baptist Church
(Ashley Jones
07 Jan 2018  Is Christianity too exclusive?
(John 14: 1-7) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
07 Jan 2018  Is Christianity too exclusive?
(John 14: 1-7) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
07 Jan 2018  Is Christianity too exclusive?
(John 14: 1-7) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
18 Jun 2017  In Agony (-6
(John 14:1) 
St Helen's Church North Kensington
(Steve Divall
11 Jun 2017  I Am Coming
(John 14:1-29) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
28 May 2017  Jesus is the Way
(John 14:1-6) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
21 May 2017  Trust in the promise
(John 14:1-6) 
Monyhull Church
(Matt Langston
16 May 2017  Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
(John 14:1-10) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Mark Van
16 May 2017  Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
(John 14:1-10) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Mark Van
16 May 2017  Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled
(John 14:1-10) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC
(Mark Van
07 May 2017  EXPLORE GOD: Is Christianity Too Narrow?
(John 14:1-6) 
Seven Rivers Presbyterian Church
(Ray Cortese
23 Apr 2017  John 14:1-14
(John 14:1-14) 
Christ Church Leyton
(Mark Alexander
16 Apr 2017  A place prepared for us
(John 14:1-14) 
Christ Church Mayfair
(Phil Allcock