Date Title Church
15 May 2015  The Promised Helper
(John 14:15-31) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
15 May 2015  The Promised Helper
(John 14:15-31) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
10 May 2015  Inseparable - John 14:15-31
(John 14:15-31) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
10 May 2015  Inseparable - John 14:15-31
(John 14:15-31) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
15 Feb 2015  Eternal Love
(John 14:15) 
Christ Church Central Sheffield 
15 Feb 2015  Spiritual heart trouble: its causes and cure II
(John 14:15-31) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
08 Feb 2015  Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
(John 14:15–27) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Jonny Vaughan
08 Feb 2015  John 14:15-31
(John 14:15-31) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Tom Head
08 Feb 2015  John 14:15-31
(John 14:15-31) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Tom Head
28 Sep 2014  Experiencing God: 1 of 3: Experiencing God’s love
(John 14:15-24) 
St Peter's Barge
(Andrew Latimer
21 Sep 2014  The ‘I Will’ of Comfort
(John 14:15–30) 
Hadleigh Baptist Church 
31 Aug 2014  Keeping Jesus' Commands as Spirit-Indwelt Sons & Daughters
(John 14:15-24) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
13 Jul 2014  The God who comes near
(John 14:15-27) 
Woodstock Road Baptist Church 
08 Jun 2014  The way of the Spirit
(John 14:15-27) 
Smithton Church
(James Torrens
01 Jun 2014  Before Pentecost
(John 14:15-12) 
Worthing Tabernacle
(John Balchin
25 May 2014  Things Jesus left behind; His Spirit
(John 14:15-31) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Ian Sinclair
25 May 2014  Things Jesus left behind: His Spirit
(John 14:15-31) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(John Spicer
25 May 2014  "Things Jesus left behind"; His Spirit
(John 14:15-31) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Ian Sinclair
25 May 2014  "Things Jesus left behind": His Spirit
(John 14:15-31) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(John Spicer
25 May 2014  Things Jesus left behind": His Spirit
(John 14:15-31) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(John Spicer