Date Title Church
07 Feb 2021  I an the resurrection
(John 11:1-44) 
Trinity Church York 
31 Jan 2021  I am the Resurrection and the Life
(John 11:1-44) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Harry Clayson
04 Jan 2021  Getting to Glory
(John 11:1-16) 
York Evangelical Free Church 
05 Dec 2020  Sunday 6th December - Transforming Miracles (Goodness and Hope)
(John 11:1-45) 
St Mary's Church, Chipping Norton 
22 Nov 2020  The God Who is Life
(John 11:1-44) 
Библейской церкви Слово благодати Word of Grace Bible Church iSlovo
(Vitaliy Pelikhatyy
20 Oct 2020  Big Issue: The end of life - John 11:1-7,17-44
(John 11:1-7,17-44, 1 Samuel 2:6-8) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Jon Kennedy
11 Oct 2020  What would Jesus say to the mourner?
(John 11:1-44) 
Christ Church Kensington
(Greg Pye
11 Oct 2020  What would Jesus say to the mourner?
(John 11:1-44) 
Christ Church Kensington
(Greg Pye
30 Aug 2020  John 11- Lazarus raised from the dead
(John 11:1-53) 
Trinity Church Sunderland
(Gary Cameron
30 Aug 2020  John 11- Lazarus raised from the dead
(John 11:1-53) 
Trinity Church Sunderland
(Gary Cameron
23 Aug 2020  Hope in the face of death
(John 11:1-44) 
St Peter's Barge 
16 Aug 2020  A grieving family - John 11:1-44
(John 11:1-44) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Tom Watts
16 Aug 2020  A grieving family - John 11:1-44
(John 11:1-44) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Tom Watts
31 May 2020  Dealing with Death
(John 11:1-57) 
Grace Church Sydenham
(Tim Iles
24 May 2020  Jesus And Delays
(John 11:1-43) 
Lansdowne Baptist Church
(Peter Baker
26 Apr 2020  John 11:1-44 - The Death Of Death
(John 11:1-44) 
Grace Church Manchester
(Mike Tindall
26 Apr 2020  Confidence in Jesus
(John 11:1-16) 
Grace Church Dulwich
(Simon Dowdy
21 Apr 2020  I am the Resurrection & the Life - John 11:1-44
(John 11:1-44) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(David Rue
21 Apr 2020  I am the Resurrection & the Life - John 11:1-44
(John 11:1-44) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(David Rue
19 Apr 2020  John 11:1-44
(John 11:1-44) 
St Andrews Free Church