Date Title Church
06 Jan 2015  A Heart to know Me
(Jeremiah 24:7) 
Cheam Baptist Church
(Tim Saunders
06 Nov 2022  Why God must judge
(Jeremiah 25:1-29; Luke 22:39-44) 
Emmanuel Canterbury
(Richard Hagan
06 Nov 2022  Why God must judge
(Jeremiah 25:1-29; Luke 22:39-44) 
Emmanuel Canterbury
(Richard Hagan
24 Jul 2022  Patiently clinging to Jesus especially through failure
(Jeremiah 25:1-14) 
Grace Church Sydenham
(Ben Cooper
26 Jan 2020  The cup of wrath
(Jeremiah 25:1-29) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Joel Knight
26 Jan 2020  From Sorrow to Hope: The Necessity of Judgement
(Jeremiah 25:1-14) 
Rothley Parish Church
(Rob Gladstone
05 May 2019  Jeremiah 25:1-16 Taking God at His Word
(Jeremiah 25:1-25:16) 
Bishop Hannington
(Tim Gage
04 Mar 2018  The Cup of Wrath
(Jeremiah 25:1) 
Christ Church Central Sheffield
(Dave Crofts
08 May 2016  Fire In My Bones (5)
(Jeremiah 25:1-29) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Latimer
01 May 2016  The cup of wrath
(Jeremiah 25:1-29) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(David Jackman
10 Sep 2017  The Cup of Wrath
(Jeremiah 25:15-27) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
10 Sep 2017  The Cup of Wrath
(Jeremiah 25:15-27) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
10 Sep 2017  The Cup of Wrath
(Jeremiah 25:15-27) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
10 Sep 2017  The Cup of Wrath
(Jeremiah 25:15-27) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
27 Jul 2016  I"m glad you asked: Will God send people to hell for not believing in a Jesus they have never heard of?
(Jeremiah 25:3-16) 
St Peter's Barge
(Andrew Latimer
03 Sep 2017  Praying as Savoring
(Jeremiah 25:8-12) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
03 Sep 2017  Praying as Savoring
(Jeremiah 25:8-12) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
03 Sep 2017  Praying as Savoring
(Jeremiah 25:8-12) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
03 Sep 2017  Daniel 9:1-5) - "Praying as Savoring
(Jeremiah 25:8-12) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
06 Mar 2022  Death Threats and Deliverance
(Jeremiah 26:1-24 from the series:Jeremiah) 
Emmanuel Church Bath
(Dom Goode