Date Title Church
21 Apr 2019  The Satisfied Servant
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
21 Apr 2019  The Satisfied Servant
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
14 Apr 2019  Unbelief
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(David Pfeiffer
31 Mar 2019  The Servant who is sorrowful to behold
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
31 Mar 2019  The Servant who is sorrowful to behold
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
31 Mar 2019  The Servant who is sorrowful to behold
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
10 Dec 2018  Celebrating Obscurity
(Isaiah 53:1-6) 
Grace Bible Church
(Blake Jennings
31 Mar 2018  Good Friday
(Isaiah 53:1-9) 
Grace Bible Church
(Matt Morton
25 Mar 2018  The suffering Servant, our risen redeemer
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
Brookdale Church
(Jonathan Smith
28 May 2017  Solus Christus: In Christ Alone
(Isaiah 53:1-12, 1 John 2:1-2) 
Wychwood Baptist Church
(John Witts
23 Apr 2017  Satisfied Saviour
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
St John's Church Orchard Park, North Cambridge
(Chris Lowe
16 Apr 2017  Isaiah 53:10-12
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
St Neots Evangelical Church
(Mike Kendall
02 Apr 2017  Jesus and his Cross: Substitution and Sacrifice
(Isaiah 53:1–7) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Donald Hay
19 Mar 2017  Isaiah 53:1-3
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
St Neots Evangelical Church
(Mike Kendall
12 Mar 2017  Man Of Sorrows Ruined For Sinners - and Romans 3:3-10
(Isaiah 53:1-5) 
Belvidere Road Church
(Ian Higham
05 Dec 2016  Celebrating Obscurity
(Isaiah 53:1-6) 
Grace Bible Church
(Blake Jennings
06 Nov 2016  The Victory of the Cross!
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Martin Smith
09 Oct 2016  Can you believe the message of the cross
(Isaiah 53:1-3) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Paul Rees
24 Jul 2016  4. A vicarious sacrifice,
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Robin Weekes
24 Mar 2016  The hope for the many
(Isaiah 53:10-12) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Rico Tice