Date | Title | Church |
21 Feb 2016 | 4 (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Christ Church Kensington (Rupert Evans) |
29 Nov 2015 | It's not supposed to end this way (Genesis 3:14-24) |
City Church Birmingham (Neil Powell) |
25 Oct 2015 | Curse and Promise - 25 Oct 2015 (Genesis 3:14-16) |
Holy Trinity Platt (Paul Mathole) |
31 May 2015 | The grace of belonging (Genesis 3:14-15) |
Cambridge Presbyterian Church (Jonny Gibson) |
15 Mar 2015 | 9. EVERYTHING IS BROKEN (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Grace Church Exeter |
01 Feb 2015 | What is sin and why is it in the world? -Part 2 - Genesis: Answers for Life (Part 5) (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC) (Tim Gibson) |
01 Feb 2015 | What is sin and why is it in the world? -Part 2 - Genesis: Answers for Life (Part 5) (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC) (Tim Gibson) |
01 Feb 2015 | What is sin and why is it in the world? -Part 2 - Genesis: Answers for Life (Part 5) (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC) (Tim Gibson) |
09 Nov 2014 | Genesis 3:14-34 (Genesis 3:14-34) |
Latimer Congregational Church (Iain Clements) |
09 Nov 2014 | 'Broken' (Genesis 3:14-24) |
All Souls Langham Place (Hugh Palmer) |
21 Sep 2014 | Why Work is Hard (Genesis 3:14-20) |
Holy Trinity Platt (Mark Glew) |
20 Jul 2014 | Genesis - 8 (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Holyrood Evangelical Church (Phil Hair) |
06 Jul 2014 | To dust you shall return (Genesis 3:14-24) |
St Benet's Welsh Church (Aneirin Glyn) |
06 Jul 2014 | To dust you shall return (Genesis 3:14-24) |
St Benet's Welsh Church (Aneirin Glyn) |
16 Feb 2014 | Understanding our Suffering (Genesis 3:14-24) |
Holy Trinity Platt (Will Rubie) |
03 Feb 2013 | Genesis 3 (Genesis 3:14-24) |
The Slade Evangelical Church |
13 Jan 2013 | The Nature of Evil (Genesis 3:14-15) |
St Helen's, Bishopsgate (William Taylor) |
13 Jan 2013 | The Nature of Evil (6pm subst.) (Genesis 3:14-15) |
St Helen's, Bishopsgate (William Taylor) |
25 Nov 2012 | East of Eden (Genesis 3:14-24) |
St Ebbes, Oxford (Ed Brooks) |
25 Sep 2011 | Life in a Genesis 3 world (Genesis 3:14-24) |
St Andrew the Great (Alasdair Paine) |