Date Title Church
10 Mar 2019  The vital gospel
(Galatians 4:12) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Tim Sheppard
10 Mar 2019  The vital gospel
(Galatians 4:12) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Tim Sheppard
23 Feb 2018  Telling the Truth
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
23 Feb 2018  Telling the Truth
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
23 Feb 2018  Telling the Truth
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
13 Jul 2017  With a Little Help from My Friends
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Christ Central Church Durham 
18 Jun 2017  Boldly Free-17
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Immanuel Nashville
(Ray Ortlund
18 Jun 2017  Boldly Free-17
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
Immanuel Nashville
(Ray Ortlund
28 Feb 2016  28 Feb pm: The Brothers from Another Mother
(Galatians 4:12-5:1) 
The Tron Church Glasgow
(Rupert Hunt-Taylor
27 Oct 2013  A Pastor's Heart
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(David Jackman
10 Jun 2012  Who do you Belong to?
(Galatians 4:12-31) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie
27 May 2012  From Slaves to Sons
(Galatians 4:12-31) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie
28 Feb 1993  The pain of the pastor
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
St Andrew the Great
(Ian Garrett
01 Jan 1966  A Personal Appeal
(Galatians 4:12-20) 
All Souls Langham Place
(John Stott
29 Dec 2013  Humble New Year - Good News of Great Joy (Part 4)
(Galatians 4:13-17) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Mark Culton
29 Dec 2013  Humble New Year - Good News of Great Joy (Part 4)
(Galatians 4:13-17) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Mark Culton
29 Dec 2013  Humble New Year - Good News of Great Joy (Part 4)
(Galatians 4:13-17) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Mark Culton
01 Sep 2019  37 Becoming an Enemy
(Galatians 4:15-18) 
Holly Hills Bible Church
(Mike Doyle
16 Jul 2015  Where is your joy?
(Galatians 4:15) 
Carey Baptist Church
(Jamie Cater
18 May 2015  Sunday AM 5/17/15
(Galatians 4:18-20) 
Capitol Hill Baptist Church, OK