Date Title Church
06 Mar 2016  'The Opposition to the gospel'
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Oakhall Church, Caterham
(Phil Vellacott
28 Feb 2016  Extremism and Freedom of Speech
(Acts 4:1-31) 
Elmstead Baptist Church
(Malcolm Jones
25 Oct 2015  True and False Religion
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
04 Oct 2015  Acts 4:1-37
(Acts 4:1-37) 
Speke Baptist Church 
28 Sep 2015  Risk is Right: Peter to Speak
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Cheam Baptist Church
(Tim Saunders
27 Sep 2015  Graffiti Artwork and Jesus: Why Jesus can be Embarrassing
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Boro City Church 
27 Sep 2015  Graffiti Artwork and Jesus: Why Jesus can be Embarrassing
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Boro City Church 
27 Sep 2015  Graffiti Artwork and Jesus: Why Jesus can be Embarrassing
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Boro City Church 
16 Aug 2015  When We’ve Been With Jesus - Acts 4:1-22
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Bear Creek Church Medford 
26 Jul 2015  Ordinary people, extraordinary God
(Acts 4:1-21) 
Christ Church Cambridge
(Jon Tuckwell
03 Mar 2015  When We’ve Been With Jesus - Acts 4:1-22
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Bear Creek Church Medford 
01 Mar 2015  How can I be bold like Peter and John?
(Acts 4:1-31) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Daniel Webster
01 Mar 2015  The Secret to Bold Evangelism
(Acts 4:1-31) 
Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli
(Andy Pearce
15 Feb 2015  The Church Opposed
(Acts 4:1-22 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Mark Francis
15 Feb 2015  The Church Opposed
(Acts 4:1-22 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Mark Francis
15 Feb 2015  The Church Opposed
(Acts 4:1-22 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Mark Francis
11 Jan 2015  Acts 4:1-22
(Acts 4:1-22) 
Emmanuel Chippenham
(Spencer Shaw
11 Jan 2015  Sharing the gospel, spreading the Kingdom of God
(Acts 4:1-4) 
King's Community Church
(Patrick Mwondela
14 Dec 2014  Growth
(Acts 4:1-4) 
King's Community Church
(Andy Carter
04 Dec 2014  Acts 4:1-12
(Acts 4:1-12) 
St Andrew the Great
(Howard Spencer