Date Title Church
05 Jul 2015  True communion
(Acts 2:42-47) 
Christ Church Cambridge
(Steve Midgley
17 May 2015  They devoted themselves to prayer
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
17 May 2015  They devoted themselves to prayer
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
17 May 2015  They devoted themselves to prayer
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
17 May 2015  Four Marks of the Church
(Acts 2:42) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer
17 May 2015  Fellowship - Sharing and Caring
(Acts 2:42-47) 
The Slade Evangelical Church 
17 May 2015  Fellowship - Sharing and Caring - We Are Church
(Acts 2:42-47) 
The Slade Evangelical Church 
10 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
10 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
10 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
10 May 2015  Life in 4D - Upwards: Loving God by Participating in a Worshiping Community (All Age)
(Acts 2:42-47) 
St Mary's Burgh Heath
(Ian Hughes
03 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the fellowship
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
03 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the fellowship
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
03 May 2015  They devoted themselves to the fellowship
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
26 Apr 2015  Growing Fellowship and Service
(Acts 2:42-47) 
Fulwood Free Methodist Church
(Ian Clarkson
19 Apr 2015  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching edit
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
19 Apr 2015  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching edit
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
19 Apr 2015  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching edit
(Acts 2:42) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Geoff Thomas
12 Apr 2015  God's Plan For The Church
(Acts 2:42-47) 
Calvary Chapel St Petersburg
(Art Dykstra
08 Feb 2015  Disciples together in radical community on mission
(Acts 2:42-47) 
Above Bar Church, Southampton