Date Title Church
11 Apr 2021  Absent in Flesh, but not in Spirit
(Acts 1:1-14) 
Becontree Church 
24 Jan 2021  Acts 1:1-11
(Acts 1:1-11) 
St Andrews Free Church 
10 Jan 2021  Our Mission of Faith: Bearing Witness
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Trinity Church Charlottesville 
29 Nov 2020  Advent Sunday
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Jesmond Parish Church
(Martin Morrison
20 Sep 2020  Lingering with Jesus
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
20 Sep 2020  Lingering with Jesus
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Columbia Presbyterian Church
(David Gentino
13 Sep 2020  The Commission and the Promise
(Acts 1:1-26) 
(James Morris
06 Sep 2020  Acts 1:1-8
(Acts 1:1-8) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Darren Prince
09 Aug 2020  The Plan, The Power & The Promise
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Tim Gibson
28 Jun 2020  1. The promise
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Sach
28 Jun 2020  Preparation for the heavenly ministry of Jesus
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Spicer Street Church
(Greg Strain
14 Jun 2020  The Ongoing Work of Jesus Christ
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Creekside Community Church 
31 May 2020  The need for the power, leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 1:1-8, Acts 13:1-3, Acts 16:6-7, John 16:12-14) 
Avenue Evangelical Church
(Paul Witter
24 May 2020  Celebrating His Exaltation - Evening Service (The Festivals of God)
(Acts 1:1-11) 
St Simon Zelotes
(Mike Neville
24 May 2020  Celebrating His Exaltation - Morning Service (The Festivals of God)
(Acts 1:1-11) 
St Simon Zelotes
(Mike Neville
17 May 2020  Sunday 17th May (Full Service) The times and the task
(Acts 1:1-11) 
St Martin's Stockport
(Will Rubie
19 Jan 2020  The Power Of Witness
(Acts 1:1-11 Text: Acts 1:1-11) 
Second CRC of Kalamazoo, MI
(John Bothof
19 Jan 2020  Power for the Powerless
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Redeemer Church Manchester 
19 Jan 2020  Power for the Powerless
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Redeemer Church Manchester 
02 Dec 2019  Convinced about the Church's Job
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Cornerstone Church, Kingston