Date Title Church
11 May 2013  Go for it!
(2 Timothy 1) 
Trinity Church York 
11 May 2013  Go for it!
(2 Timothy 1) 
Trinity Church York 
05 May 2013  Fan the Flame
(2 Timothy 1:1-7) 
Lakes Free Sunday
(Ric Stanghelle
27 Jan 2013  27/01/13 11am
(2 Timothy 1) 
St Mary's Church London 
28 Oct 2012  2 Timothy 1:10-2:1
(2 Timothy 1:10-2) 
Holy Trinity Church, Norwich
(Jonathan Mason
21 Oct 2012  2 Timothy 1:1-10
(2 Timothy 1:1-10) 
Holy Trinity Church, Norwich
(Alan Strange
23 Sep 2012  Fan Into Flame
(2 Timothy 1) 
Lansdowne Baptist Church
(Chris Kelly
26 Aug 2012  Not ashamed
(2 Timothy 1) 
Christ Church Cambridge
(Lee Gatiss
15 Jul 2012  Soldier on!
(2 Timothy 1:15-2:10) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Suresh Menon
15 Jul 2012  'Guard the treasure you have been given'
(2 Timothy 1:13-18) 
Oakhall Church, Caterham
(Paul Mayo
08 Jul 2012  Stand up and be counted!
(2 Timothy 1:8-14) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Suresh Menon
08 Jul 2012  'Don’t be ashamed'
(2 Timothy 1:1-12) 
Oakhall Church, Caterham
(Andy Mayo
01 Jul 2012  Battle stations!
(2 Timothy 1:1-7) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Philip Percival
29 Apr 2012  2 Timothy 1:1-18 - Don't be Ashamed of the Gospel
(2 Timothy 1:1 - 2) 
Trinity Church York 
12 Feb 2012  Unafraid And Unashamed
(2 Timothy 1:8-18) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
12 Feb 2012  Unafraid And Unashamed
(2 Timothy 1:8-18) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
05 Feb 2012  Unashamed And Unafraid
(2 Timothy 1:8-18) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
05 Feb 2012  Unashamed And Unafraid
(2 Timothy 1:8-18) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
29 Jan 2012  Next-Generation Christianity
(2 Timothy 1:1-8) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
29 Jan 2012  Next-Generation Christianity
(2 Timothy 1:1-8) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam