Date Title Church
22 May 2022  How to be a healthy Christian
(1 Timothy 4) 
St John's Church Over
(Eddie Bridle
22 May 2022  1 Timothy 1:18-20, Pastors and Worriors
(1 Timothy 1:18-20) 
Emmanuel North London Church
(Steve Hayhow
17 May 2022  The Church's Role In Mission - 1 Timothy 3.14-16
(1 Timothy 3) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Tim McMahon
15 May 2022  A noble task
(1 Timothy 3) 
St John's Church Over
(Richard Reeve
15 May 2022  1 Timothy 1:12-18, How our Stories Support the Gospel
(1 Timothy 1:12-18) 
Emmanuel North London Church
(Steve Hayhow
08 May 2022  Worshipping God
(1 Timothy 2) 
St John's Church Over
(George Crowder
08 May 2022  Godliness means caring for family
(1 Timothy 5:3-16) 
Christ Church Hemel
(Dave Couch
08 May 2022  1 Timothy 1:8-11, Law and Gospel
(1 Timothy 1:8-11) 
Emmanuel North London Church
(Steve Hayhow
01 May 2022  The good news and the good fight
(1 Timothy 1:12 - 1 Timothy 1:20) 
St John's Church Over
(George Crowder
01 May 2022  The great marriage
(1 Timothy 2:1-3:13) 
Trinity Church York 
01 May 2022  1 Timothy 1:3-7, Adressing False Teaching
(1 Timothy 1:3-7) 
Emmanuel North London Church
(Steve Hayhow
24 Apr 2022  Fight the good fight
(1 Timothy 1:1 - 1 Timothy 1:11) 
St John's Church Over
(Richard Reeve
24 Apr 2022  1 Timothy 1:1-3, 1. Apostles and Pastors
(1 Timothy 1:1-3) 
Emmanuel North London Church
(Steve Hayhow
05 Apr 2022  1 Timothy 4:6-16
(1 Timothy 4:6-16) 
Christ Church Leyton
(Rod Thomas
03 Apr 2022  1 Timothy 6:2-21 - Fight the good fight
(1 Timothy 6:1 - 1 Timothy 6:21) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
29 Mar 2022  Fight The Good Fight
(1 Timothy 6:11-21) 
Moorlands Evangelical Church
(Danny Rurlander
28 Mar 2022  1 Timothy 5:17-6:2
(1 Timothy 5:17-6:2) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
20 Mar 2022  The Difference The Gospel Makes
(1 Timothy 6:3-10) 
Moorlands Evangelical Church
(Danny Rurlander
20 Mar 2022  1 Timothy 5:1-16 Sermon
(1 Timothy 5:1-16) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
20 Mar 2022  The Goal of Doctrine
(1 Timothy 1:11) 
St Columba's Free Church
(Cory Brock