Date Title Church
06 Oct 2024  Walking in the Light
(1 John 1:5-2:2) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Lucian Dumitrescu
06 Oct 2024  Who we are determines what we should love
(1 John 2:12-17) 
Spicer Street Church
(Luke Forty
29 Sep 2024  1 John 2 v 15- 27
(1 John 2) 
Christ Church Newcastle
(Ric Flynn
26 Sep 2024  1 John 2:3-14
(1 John 2:3-14) 
Christ Church Newcastle
(Hugo Charteris
22 Sep 2024  Tips In Reaching Your Mission Field
(1 John 1:9) 
Second CRC of Kalamazoo, MI
(Larry Nieboer
22 Sep 2024  Believers love as Jesus loved
(1 John 2:3-11) 
Spicer Street Church
(Luke Forty
16 Sep 2024  1 John 1v 5 - 2v2
(1 John 1) 
Christ Church Newcastle
(Hugo Charteris
15 Sep 2024  The Word of Life
(1 John 1:1-4) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Lucian Dumitrescu
15 Sep 2024  Believers walk in the light
(1 John 1:5-2:2) 
Spicer Street Church
(Luke Forty
08 Sep 2024  Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine
(1 John 4:13-21) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
08 Sep 2024  The foundational mark of a believer
(1 John 1:1-4) 
Spicer Street Church
(Luke Forty
18 Aug 2024  1 John 1
(1 John 1) 
Christ Church Banstead
(Jon Arnold
07 Jul 2024  Loving One Another
(1 John 3:10-24) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
23 Jun 2024  The Communion Of The Saints
(1 John 1:3-7) 
Second CRC of Kalamazoo, MI
(John Bothof
09 Jun 2024  Concerning antichrists
(1 John 2:18-27) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
19 May 2024  Words of Encouragement
(1 John 2:14-16) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
19 May 2024  Love for God & His People
(1 John) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
12 May 2024  How can I know if I know…? Part 2
(1 John 2:7-11) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
12 May 2024  Evidence for the Resurrection
(1 John 1:1-4) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Jeremy Cooke
28 Apr 2024  Signs of Life
(1 John 1:1-10) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre