Date Title Speaker Count  
29 Sep 2019 12:00  Jesus' authority to forgive sins
(Luke 5:17-26
Phil Vance  0 
22 Sep 2019 12:00  The first murder
(Genesis 4:1-16
Greg Strain  2 
22 Sep 2019 12:00  The glorious light of the gospel
(2 Corinthians 4:1-18
John Newton-Webb  3 
15 Sep 2019 12:00  Dealing with pressures from without
(1 Peter 1:1-5
John Stevens  2 
15 Sep 2019 12:00  Dealing with problems from within
(2 Peter 1:1-3
John Stevens  4 
8 Sep 2019 12:00  The consequences of the transgression
(Genesis 3:14-24
Greg Strain  1 
8 Sep 2019 12:00  Jesus' willingness to cleanse us
(Luke 5:12-16
Phil Vance  2 
2 Sep 2019 12:00  Jesus, holy and powerful
(Luke 5:1-11
Phil Vance  0 
25 Aug 2019 12:00  Three truths to keep going
(1 Peter 5:6-11
Phil Vance  8 
25 Aug 2019 12:00  A plea for renewal and restoration
(Psalm 51:10-19
Greg Strain  5 
18 Aug 2019 12:00  Suffering for Christ, to be expected but not feared
(1 Peter 4:12-19
Phil Vance  2 
18 Aug 2019 12:00  A plea for cleansing
(Psalm 51:1-9
Greg Strain  5 
11 Aug 2019 12:00  How to live when the end is near
(1 Peter 4:7-11
Spicer Street Church  2 
11 Aug 2019 12:00  Feeling the heat
(Daniel 3
Spicer Street Church  3 
4 Aug 2019 12:00  Shame and blame
(Genesis 3:7-13
Spicer Street Church  0 
4 Aug 2019 12:00  Be confident in the gospel
(2 Peter 1:12-21
Spicer Street Church  5 
28 Jul 2019 12:00  When it all went wrong
(Genesis 3:1-7
Spicer Street Church  2 
28 Jul 2019 12:00  Arm yourself with Christ's mindset
(1 Peter 4:1-6
Spicer Street Church  4 
21 Jul 2019 12:00  Foundational text for marriage
(Genesis 2:15-25
Spicer Street Church  3 
21 Jul 2019 12:00  Persist in doing good
(1 Peter 3:13-22
Spicer Street Church  4