Date Title Speaker Count  
13 Jun 2013  Bible at Work:
Strength for work
(Psalm 62
Pete Nicholas  38 
9 Jun 2013  Workplace Sunday:
Is Work a four-letter word?
(Ecclesiastes 2:17
David Turner  39 
9 Jun 2013  Workplace Sunday:
Work is lucky to have you
(Genesis 12:1,1 Peter 2:9
Ross Hendry  25 
6 Jun 2013  Bible at Work:
Commitment to work
(Proverbs 31:10
Jonny Dyer  28 
2 Jun 2013  The Holy Spirit Series :
The Unity of the Spirit
(1 Corinthians 12:12
Pete Nicholas  32 
2 Jun 2013  Special Services:
A Love that Obeys
(John 14:15
Mark Prentice  40 
30 May 2013  Bible at Work:
Created to work
(Genesis 1
Dan Wells  35 
26 May 2013  The Holy Spirit Series :
The Gifting of the Spirit 
Hugh Palmer  38 
26 May 2013  Christians Facing Issues Today (9):
Christians Facing Issues : Poverty
(Luke 12:27,Deuteronomy 24:10
D Wells, A Bishop, B Niblett  23 
23 May 2013  Guest Lunch:
The greatest investment
(Matthew 13:45
Pete Nicholas  61 
19 May 2013  The Holy Spirit Series :
The Leading of the Spirit
(1 Corinthians 12:1
Rico Tice  88 
19 May 2013  Pentecost Sunday :
I will put my Spirit in you
(Ezekiel 36:24
David Turner  45 
16 May 2013  The God Who:
gives victory when we are defeated
(Zechariah 5:1-6:8
Jonny Dyer  35 
12 May 2013  Guest Services:
Beyond compare
(Isaiah 40:12
Pete Nicholas  52 
12 May 2013  Guest Services:
Making the connection
(1 Peter 3:18
Hugh Palmer  18 
9 May 2013  The God Who:
is big when we are small
(Zechariah 4:1
Pete Nicholas  22 
5 May 2013  Guest Services:
Completely done
(Hebrews 10:1
Dan Wells  42 
5 May 2013  Guest Services:
Party Time
(Luke 14:15
Trevor Pearce  34 
2 May 2013  The God Who:
makes right when we have done wrong
(Zechariah 3:1
Dan Wells  27 
28 Apr 2013  Conformist or Christian?:
'Devoted to prayer'
(Colossians 4:2
Hugh Palmer  29