Date Title Speaker Count  
9 Nov 2014 12:00  'Life through Christ'
(Romans 5:12-21
Rico Tice  50 
6 Nov 2014  Come and See:
water into wine
(John 2:1
Stephen Nichols  23 
2 Nov 2014 12:00  'Created'
(Colossians 1:15-17
Hugh Palmer  16 
2 Nov 2014 12:00  'Peace with God'
(Romans 5:1-11
Dan Wells  24 
30 Oct 2014  Come and See:
to follow
(John 1:35
Jonny Dyer  51 
26 Oct 2014 12:00  'Writing in The Book of Life'
(Revelation 20:11-15
Stephen Nichols  13 
26 Oct 2014 12:00  'Here are my mother and my brothers'
(Mark 3:20-35
Pete Nicholas  25 
23 Oct 2014  Come and See:
the messenger
(John 1:19
Paul Enns  23 
19 Oct 2014 12:00  'Writing on human hearts'
(2 Corinthians 3:1-6
Rico Tice  51 
19 Oct 2014 12:00  'He called those He wanted'
(Mark 3:7-19
David Turner  29 
16 Oct 2014  Come and See:
the word made flesh
(John 1:1
Paul Enns  26 
12 Oct 2014 12:00  'They plotted to kill him'
(Mark 2:23-3:6
Dan Wells  16 
12 Oct 2014 12:00  'Writing in the sand'
(John 8:1-11
Hugh Palmer  15 
9 Oct 2014  Guest Lunches :
'The God who comes looking'
(Luke 15:1
Dan Wells  23 
5 Oct 2014 12:00  'New wine and old wineskins'
(Mark 2:13-22
Rico Tice  97 
5 Oct 2014 12:00  'Writing on the wall'
(Daniel 5:1-30
Hugh Palmer  47 
2 Oct 2014  The Workers' Guide:
Directions for a flourishing workplace
(Jeremiah 29:1
Dan Wells  24 
28 Sep 2014 12:00  'Who can forgive sins?'
(Mark 2:1-12
Rico Tice  107 
28 Sep 2014 12:00  'Writing on the tablets'
(Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Stephen Nichols  10 
25 Sep 2014  The Workers' Guide:
Directions for a distinctive workplace
(Leviticus 19
Hugh Palmer  42