Date Title Speaker Count  
2 Mar 2008  Too Good to Keep Quiet :
The Saviour of the world
(John 4:27-42
David Turner  43 
2 Mar 2008  Jesus: Triumph or Tragedy? :
The Lord comes as a sacrifice
(Matthew 26:14-30
Chris Wright  30 
28 Feb 2008  Working without wilting :
Work as a trumpet
(1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Jago Wynne  15 
24 Feb 2008  Too Good to Keep Quiet :
A day of good news
(2 Kings 7
Rico Tice  38 
24 Feb 2008  Jesus: Triumph or Tragedy? :
The Lord comes to die
(Matthew 26:6-13
Roger Salisbury  28 
21 Feb 2008  Working without wilting :
Work as a trampoline
(Genesis 41:41-52
Jago Wynne  16 
17 Feb 2008  World Focus Sunday :
The people God reaches
(Acts 17:16-34
John Nichols  23 
17 Feb 2008  World Focus Sunday :
The people God uses
(2 Timothy 2:1-7
Lindsay Brown  28 
14 Feb 2008  Working without wilting :
Work as a treadmill
(Daniel 6:1-10
Jago Wynne  20 
10 Feb 2008  Jesus: Triumph or Tragedy? :
The Lord comes to his temple
(Jeremiah 7:1-15
David Turner  54 
10 Feb 2008  That's Life ? :
That's it - Mr Preacher's punchline
(Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14
Hugh Palmer  32 
7 Feb 2008  The Good Life:
The attitude of life
(Titus 3
Tim Plyming  14 
3 Feb 2008  Jesus: Triumph or Tragedy? :
The Lord comes in triumph
(Matthew 21:1-12
Rico Tice  56 
3 Feb 2008  That's Life ? :
Go for it - an agnostic's advice
(Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
Hugh Palmer  27 
31 Jan 2008  The Good Life:
The point of life
(Titus 2
Rob Turner  19 
27 Jan 2008  Partnership Sundays:
I believe in consumer worship
(Romans 12:1-8
Hugh Palmer  27 
27 Jan 2008  Partnership Sundays:
I believe in an upsetting church
(1 Peter 2:9-12
Mark Meynell  22 
24 Jan 2008  The Good Life:
The challenges of life
(Titus 1
Hugh Palmer  36 
20 Jan 2008  Has God Failed? :
Isn't God a delusion?
(John 20:30-31
Jago Wynne  23 
20 Jan 2008  That's Life ? :
A time to ... everyone's frustration
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
Hugh Palmer  38