Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Oct 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The blind see, and the seeing are blinded
(John 9
Mike Wells  3 
24 Sep 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The life of Faith - seeking God's glory
(John 8: 48-59
Mike Wells  0 
17 Sep 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
I am the Light of the world
(John 8: 12-36
Mike Wells  2 
3 Sep 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Neither do I condemn you
(John 7:53 - 8:11
Mike Wells  0 
27 Aug 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Who is Jesus?
(John 7
Mike Wells  3 
13 Aug 2017 11:00  Where is God?
(Habakkuk 3
Mike Wells  4 
6 Aug 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Four Features of Life in Christ
(John 6: 35-71
Mike Wells  2 
30 Jul 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The Bread of Life
(John 6: 25-35
Mike Wells  1 
23 Jul 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Looking to the Saviour in the storms of life
(John 6: 14-24
Mike Wells  2 
16 Jul 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The Feeding of the 5000
(John 6: 1-15
Mike Wells  0 
9 Jul 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Belief and Unbelief
(John 5: 30-47
Mike Wells  5 
18 Jun 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
A Question of Authority
(John 5: 16-30
Mike Wells  2 
11 Jun 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
(John 5: 1-15
Mike Wells  0 
4 Jun 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
Right and wrong responses to Jesus
(John 4: 43-54
Mike Wells  3 
28 May 2017 19:00  Psalms - God's Hymnbook:
O Lord Our Lord How Majestic Is Your Name
(Psalm 8
Mike Wells  1 
21 May 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The Superior Christ
(John 4: 1-42
Mike Wells  0 
14 May 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The Gospel Illustrated
(John 4: 1-42
Mike Wells  1 
7 May 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
He must increase; I must decrease
(John 3: 22-36
Mike Wells  2 
30 Apr 2017 11:00  John's Gospel: The King Revealed:
The Divine Answer
(John 3: 9-21
Mike Wells  2 
14 Apr 2017 11:00  Made sin for us
(2 Corinthians 5:21
Mike Wells  0