Date |
Title |
Speaker |
Count |
22 Nov 2020 14:01 |
[Heaven Opened] | Jesus knows, so.... (2) | Dave Howarth | Rev 3 (Revelation 3:1-3:22) |
Dave Howarth |
1 |
15 Nov 2020 21:18 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Blasphemer? | Phil Moon | Luke 5:17-26 (Luke 5:17-5:26) |
Phil Moon |
17 |
15 Nov 2020 12:15 |
[Heaven Opened] | Jesus knows, so.... (1) | Rich Arnold | Rev 2 (Revelation 2:8-2:11) |
Rich Arnold |
2 |
8 Nov 2020 20:42 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Cleaner | Don Bawtree | Luke 5:12-16 (Luke 5:12-5:16) |
Don Bawtree |
0 |
8 Nov 2020 14:23 |
[Remembrance Sunday 2020] | For the Few | Phil Moon | Psalm 23 |
Phil Moon |
0 |
1 Nov 2020 20:39 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Master Fisherman | Ben Martin | Luke 5:1-11 (Luke 5:1-5:11) |
Ben Martin |
5 |
1 Nov 2020 14:00 |
[Heaven Opened]| Real Jesus | Dave Howarth | Rev 1 (Revelation 1:1-1:20) |
Dave Howarth |
1 |
25 Oct 2020 21:27 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | World Mission | Phil Moon | Rev 15 |
Phil Moon |
0 |
25 Oct 2020 21:24 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | What causes your heart to burn? | Paul Young | Exodus 2:11-3:10 |
Paul Young |
7 |
18 Oct 2020 19:22 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | World Mission | Ben Martin | Rev 7:9-17 |
Ben Martin |
0 |
18 Oct 2020 11:35 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | Ready to go? | Chris Binstead | Matthew 9:35-38 |
Chris Binstead |
0 |
11 Oct 2020 19:38 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | Ambassadors for Christ | Kent Anderson | 2 Corithians 5: 16-21 |
Kent Anderson |
0 |
11 Oct 2020 11:29 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | First be a disciple of Jesus | Kent Anderson | Luke 10 1-21 |
Kent Anderson |
0 |
4 Oct 2020 18:53 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | We are the sent ones | Phil Moon | John 20:19-23 |
Phil Moon |
0 |
4 Oct 2020 11:27 |
[Mission Awareness Month 2020] | The Great Commission | Richard Brunton | Matt 28:16-20 |
Richard Brunton |
3 |
27 Sep 2020 18:37 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Healer - Preacher | Don Bawtree | Luke 4:38-44 (Luke 4:38-4:44) |
Don Bawtree |
0 |
27 Sep 2020 13:33 |
[To the end of the earth] Acts | Ministry for ALL Believers| Dave Howarth| Acts 11:19-30 (Acts 11:19-11:30) |
Dave Howarth |
3 |
20 Sep 2020 18:45 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Excorcist | Ben Martin | Luke 4:31-37 (Luke 4:31-4:37) |
Ben Martin |
0 |
20 Sep 2020 12:25 |
[To the end of the earth] Acts | Life for ALL Believers| Stephen Demitriou| Acts 11:1-18 (Acts 11:1-11:18) |
Stephen Demetriou |
1 |
13 Sep 2020 18:46 |
[Saviour of the World] | Jesus the Reject | Phil Moon| Luke 4:14-30 (Luke 4:14-4:30) |
Phil Moon |
1 |