Date Title Speaker Count  
9 Nov 2014 11:00  Going Deeper with God 
Praise Olatona  0 
2 Nov 2014 19:00  Holy Spirit Fire Service 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Nov 2014 19:00  Holy Spirit Fire Service 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Nov 2014 17:00  How to be led by the Spirit Prophetically 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Nov 2014 17:00  How to be led by the Spirit Prophetically 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Nov 2014 14:30  Integrity in your Intentions and Words 
Gabriel Chan  0 
2 Nov 2014 11:00  Worship the Living God 
Colin Dye  1 
2 Nov 2014 11:00  Worship the Living God 
Colin Dye  1 
31 Oct 2014 19:00  Brokenness: Releasing the Fragrance of Christ 
Colin Dye  2 
26 Oct 2014 19:00  "Though you have not seen him, you love Him" 1 Peter 1:8 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
26 Oct 2014 19:00  Though you have not seen him, you love Him" 1 Peter 1:8 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
26 Oct 2014 17:00  Principles of walking in the spirit (part 3) 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
26 Oct 2014 17:00  Principles of walking in the spirit (part 3) 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
26 Oct 2014 14:30  Integrity in the Church 
Jonathan Miller  1 
26 Oct 2014 11:00  "The Release of the Spirit" 
Colin Dye  4 
26 Oct 2014 11:00  “The Release of the Spirit” 
Colin Dye  2 
20 Oct 2014 18:00  Burning Hearts 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
20 Oct 2014 16:00  Principles of walking in the spirit (part 2) 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
20 Oct 2014 10:00  Where are you David? 
Colin Dye  1 
19 Oct 2014 19:00  Burning Hearts 
Bruce Atkinson  0