Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Mar 2017 11:00  Where is the God of Elijah? 
RT Kendall  94 
26 Feb 2017 18:00  How the Barren Bear Fruit 
Bruce Atkinson  3 
26 Feb 2017 11:00  The Answer is Blowing in the Wind 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
19 Feb 2017 18:00  Opening up to the Holy Spirit 
Colin Dye  4 
19 Feb 2017 11:00  How to receive the Double Anointing 
RT Kendall  74 
12 Feb 2017 18:00  Here comes the Bride - the spiritual formation of the End Time Church 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
12 Feb 2017 11:00  Jesus Christ: Saviour 
Colin Dye  3 
5 Feb 2017 18:00  Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit 
Colin Dye  6 
5 Feb 2017 18:00  Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit 
Colin Dye  0 
5 Feb 2017 11:00  Double Annointing 
RT Kendall  63 
5 Feb 2017 11:00  Double Anointing 
RT Kendall  49 
29 Jan 2017 18:00  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
29 Jan 2017 18:00  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
29 Jan 2017 11:00  20:20 Vision - Mobilise: Growing in Influence 
Colin Dye  0 
29 Jan 2017 11:00  20:20 Vision - Mobilise: Growing in Influence 
Colin Dye  1 
22 Jan 2017 18:00  For such a time as this stepping into your God designed destiny 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
22 Jan 2017 18:00  For such a time as this stepping into your God designed destiny 
Bruce Atkinson  4 
22 Jan 2017 11:00  20:20 Vision - Multiply: Reproducing Christ in others 
Colin Dye  0 
21 Jan 2017 11:00  20:20 Vision - Multiply: Reproducing Christ in others 
Colin Dye  0 
15 Jan 2017 18:00  A Heavenly Prayer Barrage 
Bruce Atkinson  1